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Welcome [firstname lastname]!
(If you are not [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME], please retrieve your unique web link to this survey.)

We are cooperating with other selective colleges in a survey of alumni concerning their post-graduation activities and evaluation of their undergraduate experiences. We would very much appreciate your help with this project. The survey responses will provide a valuable source of information as we plan educational programs for our current generation of undergraduate students.

This research is being conducted by the Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE) for its thirty-one members, including Harvard. COFHE performs research and policy analysis related to admissions and financial aid for its members; its objectives are to assist in identifying ways to keep college affordable and institutions financially and academically sound. Its activities are especially valuable to us because they provide a means of protecting the collective interests of educational institutions like Harvard while permitting us to compare our institutional characteristics with those of similar institutions.

This year, thirty-two colleges and universities are participating. Please help Harvard have a strong representation in the data that are analyzed in this project. All data from the COFHE surveys remain strictly confidential. The identification number on the questionnaire will permit us to avoid sending you second mailings of the survey once we have received your questionnaire.

The coordinator for the project at Harvard is Dr. Karen Pearce (617-496-3677, kpearce@fas.harvard.edu).

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