Johns Hopkins 2009 Alumni Survey
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1. I received an undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins in:
opt01 1 Arts and Sciences
opt01 2 Engineering
2. To what extent is your undergraduate major related to what you are doing today?
opt02 1 Not related
opt02 2 Somewhat related
opt02 3 Moderately related
opt02 4 Highly related
opt02 5 Very highly related
3. To what extent did your undergraduate major prepare you for what you are doing today?
opt03 1 Did not prepare
opt03 2 Somewhat prepared
opt03 3 Moderately prepared
opt03 4 Highly prepared
opt03 5 Very highly prepared
4. What aspect of your undergraduate education at Johns Hopkins had the strongest positive impact?
opt04 1 Study in major field
opt04 2 Research experience
opt04 3 Job or internship
opt04 4 Study abroad
opt04 5 Student club or activity
opt04 6 Other [smalltextbox] opt04txt
5. Who had the strongest positive influence on your undergraduate years at Johns Hopkins?
opt05 1 Faculty
opt05 2 Advisor
opt05 3 Other students
opt05 4 Employer or supervisor
opt05 5 Friend or relative
6. How much of a positive impact has an education at Johns Hopkins made in your life?
opt06 1 No impact
opt06 2 Some impact
opt06 3 Moderate impact
opt06 4 Great impact
opt06 5 Very great impact
7. Success can be measured in many ways. By your standards, do you consider yourself:
opt07 1 Not successful
opt07 2 Somewhat successful
opt07 3 Moderately successful
opt07 4 Highly successful
opt07 5 Very highly successful
8. Please indicate how important each of the following has been in your life since college: Not important
2 3 4 Very important
Ability to be self-reliant opt08 1 opt08 2 opt08 3 opt08 4 opt08 5
Research skills opt09 1 opt09 2 opt09 3 opt09 4 opt09 5
Ability to rise to new challenges opt10 1 opt10 2 opt10 3 opt10 4 opt10 5
9. Please indicate how much Johns Hopkins contributed to your development in each area: None or very little
2 3 4 A great deal
Ability to be self-reliant opt11 1 opt11 2 opt11 3 opt11 4 opt11 5
Research skills opt12 1 opt12 2 opt12 3 opt12 4 opt12 5
Ability to rise to new challenges opt13 1 opt13 2 opt13 3 opt13 4 opt13 5
10. To what extent to you agree with the following statement? Strongly disagree
2 3 4 Strongly agree
The university is equally supportive of male and female students opt14 1 opt14 2 opt14 3 opt14 4 opt14 5
The university is equally supportive of students from all racial/ethnic groups opt15 1 opt15 2 opt15 3 opt15 4 opt15 5
If I had to start college over again, I would choose a different school opt16 1 opt16 2 opt16 3 opt16 4 opt16 5
If I had to start college over again, I would choose a different major opt17 1 opt17 2 opt17 3 opt17 4 opt17 5
If I had to start college over again, I would choose a different career opt18 1 opt18 2 opt18 3 opt18 4 opt18 5
11. If you could change one aspect of your undergraduate education, what would you change?
opt19 1 More exposure to the arts
opt19 2 Better social life
opt19 3 More contact with faculty
opt19 4 Build school spirit
opt19 5 Take better advantage of Baltimore
12. Which one of the following options would you be most likely to designate if you wanted to make a gift to Johns Hopkins?
opt20 1 Student scholarship support
opt20 2 Student life program support
opt20 3 Specific faculty research initiatives or professorships
opt20 4 Athletics
opt20 5 Unrestricted gift to the School of Arts & Sciences or Engineering (The Hopkins Fund)
opt20 6 Other [smalltextbox] opt20txt
13. How would you most prefer to get information about Johns Hopkins? Choose one.
[smalltextbox] opt27txt
14. What would most entice you to attend a Johns Hopkins reunion? Choose one.
opt28 1 The opportunity to reconnect with classmates
opt28 2 The opportunity to reconnect with teammates (athletics)
opt28 3 The opportunity to reconnect with fellow student organization participants (i.e. Newsletter, sorority/fraternity, Outdoors Club, Black Student Union)
opt28 4 The opportunity to network with other Johns Hopkins alumni in similar professions
opt28 5 Other [smalltextbox] opt28txt

15. If you could give Johns Hopkins one piece of advice regarding alumni, what would it be?
comm1 [TEXTBOX]

16. If you could give advice to current undergraduates at Johns Hopkins, what would you tell them?
comm2 [TEXTBOX]

17. What should John Hopkins do to improve the undergraduate experience?
comm3 [TEXTBOX]

18. What can current students do to help build a sense of community at Johns Hopkins?
comm4 [TEXTBOX]

19. In your view, what are the distinctive benefits of an undergraduate education at Johns Hopkins?
comm5 [TEXTBOX]

Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions or to comment on any aspect of the college or university. Your comments are of great interest to administrators at your school. They will be reported to officials confidentially.
comm1 [TEXTBOX]

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.