MIT 2009 MIT Alumni Survey
Since College
Jobs and Careers Undergraduate Experience Evaluating Your School Keeping in Touch Your Life Now Questions from MIT  

MIT Alumni Association

The following is a list of general programs and services provided by the Alumni Association. Please rate how important each one is to you. If you were not previously aware of a program or service, please indicate this by selecting "Not aware." Not
at all
2 3 4 5 6 Very
Not aware
Providing social opportunities to alumni aimpsoc 1 aimpsoc 2 aimpsoc 3 aimpsoc 4 aimpsoc 5 aimpsoc 6 aimpsoc 7 aimpsoc 8
Providing professional networking opportunities aimpprof 1 aimpprof 2 aimpprof 3 aimpprof 4 aimpprof 5 aimpprof 6 aimpprof 7 aimpprof 8
Providing educational opportunities aimpedu 1 aimpedu 2 aimpedu 3 aimpedu 4 aimpedu 5 aimpedu 6 aimpedu 7 aimpedu 8
Keeping alumni informed about developments at MIT aimpdev 1 aimpdev 2 aimpdev 3 aimpdev 4 aimpdev 5 aimpdev 6 aimpdev 7 aimpdev 8
Providing access to an online alumni directory aimpdir 1 aimpdir 2 aimpdir 3 aimpdir 4 aimpdir 5 aimpdir 6 aimpdir 7 aimpdir 8
Providing career services resources aimpcar 1 aimpcar 2 aimpcar 3 aimpcar 4 aimpcar 5 aimpcar 6 aimpcar 7 aimpcar 8
Maintaining a high-quality Web site and social media opportunities aimpweb 1 aimpweb 2 aimpweb 3 aimpweb 4 aimpweb 5 aimpweb 6 aimpweb 7 aimpweb 8
Providing alumni with an MIT email forwarding service aimpefl 1 aimpefl 2 aimpefl 3 aimpefl 4 aimpefl 5 aimpefl 6 aimpefl 7 aimpefl 8
Providing opportunities to hear from MIT faculty aimpfac 1 aimpfac 2 aimpfac 3 aimpfac 4 aimpfac 5 aimpfac 6 aimpfac 7 aimpfac 8
Raising money from alumni to support MIT aimpmon 1 aimpmon 2 aimpmon 3 aimpmon 4 aimpmon 5 aimpmon 6 aimpmon 7 aimpmon 8
Facilitating entrepreneurial advancement aimpent 1 aimpent 2 aimpent 3 aimpent 4 aimpent 5 aimpent 6 aimpent 7 aimpent 8
Now please go through the same list again and rate the Alumni Association’s performance in each area. Poor
2 3 4 5 6 Excellent
Not app-
Providing social opportunities to alumni aratsoc 1 aratsoc 2 aratsoc 3 aratsoc 4 aratsoc 5 aratsoc 6 aratsoc 7 aratsoc 8
Providing professional networking opportunities aratprof 1 aratprof 2 aratprof 3 aratprof 4 aratprof 5 aratprof 6 aratprof 7 aratprof 8
Providing educational opportunities aratedu 1 aratedu 2 aratedu 3 aratedu 4 aratedu 5 aratedu 6 aratedu 7 aratedu 8
Keeping alumni informed about developments at MIT aratdev 1 aratdev 2 aratdev 3 aratdev 4 aratdev 5 aratdev 6 aratdev 7 aratdev 8
Providing access to an online alumni directory aratdir 1 aratdir 2 aratdir 3 aratdir 4 aratdir 5 aratdir 6 aratdir 7 aratdir 8
Providing career services resources aratcar 1 aratcar 2 aratcar 3 aratcar 4 aratcar 5 aratcar 6 aratcar 7 aratcar 8
Maintaining a high-quality Web site and social media opportunities aratweb 1 aratweb 2 aratweb 3 aratweb 4 aratweb 5 aratweb 6 aratweb 7 aratweb 8
Providing alumni with an MIT email forwarding service aratefl 1 aratefl 2 aratefl 3 aratefl 4 aratefl 5 aratefl 6 aratefl 7 aratefl 8
Providing opportunities to hear from MIT faculty aratfac 1 aratfac 2 aratfac 3 aratfac 4 aratfac 5 aratfac 6 aratfac 7 aratfac 8
Raising money from alumni to support MIT aratmon 1 aratmon 2 aratmon 3 aratmon 4 aratmon 5 aratmon 6 aratmon 7 aratmon 8
Facilitating entrepreneurial advancement aratent 1 aratent 2 aratent 3 aratent 4 aratent 5 aratent 6 aratent 7 aratent 8

Questions from MIT

In what ways have you used the OpenCourseWare site? (Check all that apply)


Based on what you know now, how well do you think your undergraduate experience prepared you to: Very Poorly Less than Adequately Adequately More than Adequately Very Well
Select scholarly or professional information from a variety of sources mitlibsrc 1 mitlibsrc 2 mitlibsrc 3 mitlibsrc 4 mitlibsrc 5
Start a new company mitnewcomp 1 mitnewcomp 2 mitnewcomp 3 mitnewcomp 4 mitnewcomp 5
Have you ever started a new company? Yes No
As an early employee mitearlyemp 1 mitearlyemp 2
As a founder mitfounder 1 mitfounder 2

If you said yes to starting a new company as a founder:
How old were you when you were a founder of a company, or companies?

Age when you founded your first company:

Age when you founded subsequent company, if any
(If there is more than one subsequent company, pick the most successful.)

MIT School of Engineering

The following questions ask you about the goals of an MIT undergraduate education, and additional questions about your current professional career path.

In COLUMN I, indicate how much emphasis MIT DID PLACE on this educational objective as part of your undergraduate education. In COLUMN II, indicate how much emphasis MIT SHOULD PLACE on this educational objective. Column I:
Emphasis MIT DID place on objective:
  Column II:
Emphasis MIT SHOULD place on objective:
No emphasis 1 2 Moderate emphasis 3 4 High emphasis 5   No emphasis 1 2 Moderate emphasis 3 4 High emphasis 5
Develop knowledge of complex systems and systems thinking soedid01 1 soedid01 2 soedid01 3 soedid01 4 soedid01 5   soeshd01 1 soeshd01 2 soeshd01 3 soeshd01 4 soeshd01 5
Develop ability to lead in technology development activities soedid02 1 soedid02 2 soedid02 3 soedid02 4 soedid02 5   soeshd02 1 soeshd02 2 soeshd02 3 soeshd02 4 soeshd02 5
Develop entrepreneurial abilities soedid03 1 soedid03 2 soedid03 3 soedid03 4 soedid03 5   soeshd03 1 soeshd03 2 soeshd03 3 soeshd03 4 soeshd03 5
Develop abilities in managing teams and organizations soedid05 1 soedid05 2 soedid05 3 soedid05 4 soedid05 5   soeshd05 1 soeshd05 2 soeshd05 3 soeshd05 4 soeshd05 5
Develop knowledge of government technology policy making process soedid06 1 soedid06 2 soedid06 3 soedid06 4 soedid06 5   soeshd06 1 soeshd06 2 soeshd06 3 soeshd06 4 soeshd06 5
Provide opportunities for interdisciplinary study that integrate engineering with other areas soedid07 1 soedid07 2 soedid07 3 soedid07 4 soedid07 5   soeshd07 1 soeshd07 2 soeshd07 3 soeshd07 4 soeshd07 5
Develop ability to work in global and multicultural organizations soedid08 1 soedid08 2 soedid08 3 soedid08 4 soedid08 5   soeshd08 1 soeshd08 2 soeshd08 3 soeshd08 4 soeshd08 5
Develop the ability to proactively plan and manage your career soedid09 1 soedid09 2 soedid09 3 soedid09 4 soedid09 5   soeshd09 1 soeshd09 2 soeshd09 3 soeshd09 4 soeshd09 5
Develop the ability to address professional ethics issues soedid10 1 soedid10 2 soedid10 3 soedid10 4 soedid10 5   soeshd10 1 soeshd10 2 soeshd10 3 soeshd10 4 soeshd10 5

What is your greatest professional challenge today? Check all that apply.


What role can MIT play in your current professional development? Check all that apply.

(please specify): soe21txt

Last Section - Your Comments

International Experiences

MIT wants undergraduate students to understand the global context in which their future lives and careers will unfold. To what extent do you think participating in a substantive global educational experience (e.g., industry and research internships, study or research abroad, international public service opportunity) should contribute to an MIT education?

[TEXTBOX] mitglobaltxt


As you think about all of your learning experiences at MIT, what types of experiences were the most valuable/tangible with regards to developing leadership competencies?
[TEXTBOX] leadershiptxt


Please use the space below to describe your experiences with undergraduate advising at MIT. What worked well and what could have been improved?
[TEXTBOX] advisingtxt

Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions above (it is helpful if you refer to the questions by number) or to comment on any aspect of the college or university. Your comments are of great interest to administrators at your school. They will be reported to officials confidentially.