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Finally, Pomona would like to ask a few questions about your major and your overall experience at the College.

1. To what extent did your major... Major 1   Major 2 (if applicable):
Very little Some-
Very Much   Very little Some-
Very Much
Have clear goals and expectations for its students? opt011; opt01; 1; opt012; opt01; 2; opt013; opt01; 3;   opt131; opt13; 1; opt132; opt13; 2; opt133; opt13; 3;
Specify a set of skills to be developed? opt021; opt02; 1; opt022; opt02; 2; opt023; opt02; 3;   opt141; opt14; 1; opt142; opt14; 2; opt143; opt14; 3;
Provide useful and meaningful feedback about your work? opt031; opt03; 1; opt032; opt03; 2; opt033; opt03; 3;   opt151; opt15; 1; opt152; opt15; 2; opt153; opt15; 3;
Offer intellectually exciting courses? opt041; opt04; 1; opt042; opt04; 2; opt043; opt04; 3;   opt161; opt16; 1; opt162; opt16; 2; opt163; opt16; 3;
Provide good coverage of the field? opt051; opt05; 1; opt052; opt05; 2; opt053; opt05; 3;   opt171; opt17; 1; opt172; opt17; 2; opt173; opt17; 3;
Provide good depth of subject matter in the field? opt061; opt06; 1; opt062; opt06; 2; opt063; opt06; 3;   opt181; opt18; 1; opt182; opt18; 2; opt183; opt18; 3;
Provide excellent teaching? opt071; opt07; 1; opt072; opt07; 2; opt073; opt07; 3;   opt191; opt19; 1; opt192; opt19; 2; opt193; opt19; 3;
Develop your critical thinking abilities? opt081; opt08; 1; opt082; opt08; 2; opt083; opt08; 3;   opt201; opt20; 1; opt202; opt20; 2; opt203; opt20; 3;
Have lively and productive in-class discussions? opt091; opt09; 1; opt092; opt09; 2; opt093; opt09; 3;   opt211; opt21; 1; opt212; opt21; 2; opt213; opt21; 3;
Encourage student collaboration on group projects? opt101; opt10; 1; opt102; opt10; 2; opt103; opt10; 3;   opt221; opt22; 1; opt222; opt22; 2; opt223; opt22; 3;
Include assignments that applied course concepts to real-life problems? opt111; opt11; 1; opt112; opt11; 2; opt113; opt11; 3;   opt231; opt23; 1; opt232; opt23; 2; opt233; opt23; 3;
Have a sense of community? opt121; opt12; 1; opt122; opt12; 2; opt123; opt12; 3;   opt241; opt24; 1; opt242; opt24; 2; opt243; opt24; 3;
5. How satisfied were you with your major(s) overall? Very Dissatisfied Generally Dissatisfied Generally Satisfied Very Satisfied
Major 1 opt251; opt25; 1; opt252; opt25; 2; opt253; opt25; 3; opt254; opt25; 4;
Major 2 (if applicable) opt261; opt26; 1; opt262; opt26; 2; opt263; opt26; 3; opt264; opt26; 4;

What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your Pomona education, given your experiences since graduating? What aspects have become more or less important to you as your life has progressed?

Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions above (it is helpful if you refer to the questions by number) or to comment on any aspect of the college. Your comments are of great interest to administrators at Pomona. They will be reported to officials confidentially.

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.