Rice 2009 Alumni Survey
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Jobs and Careers Undergraduate Experience Evaluating Your School Keeping in Touch Your Life Now Specific Rice Questions  

Specific Rice Questions

How much effort do you wish you had spent in developing the following areas while you were an undergraduate at Rice? (Please answer each question.) Less Effort Effort was Adequate More Effort   Not Applicable
1. Research skills opt01 1 opt01 2 opt01 3   opt01 9
2. Information access and evaluation opt02 1 opt02 2 opt02 3   opt02 9
3. Appreciation of global culture, politics, and history opt03 1 opt03 2 opt03 3   opt03 9
4. Other, please specify: opt04txt opt04 1 opt04 2 opt04 3   opt04 9

5. In the box below, please list all the languages, other than English, that you studied as an undergraduate student at Rice.  Also, please indicate in which of them you are fluent enough to speak today.

How would you characterize the amount of academic support you received at Rice for your development in the following areas? (Please answer each question.) None Too Little Adequate More Than Necessary   Not Applicable
6. The ability to access, evaluate and apply information from a variety of academic or scientific approaches opt06 1 opt06 2 opt06 3 opt06 4   opt06 9
7. Ability to integrate & evaluate knowledge from multiple philosophic perspectives opt07 1 opt07 2 opt07 3 opt07 4   opt07 9
8. An understanding of US culture and politics in the context of world history opt08 1 opt08 2 opt08 3 opt08 4   opt08 9
How much did each of the following Rice undergraduate experiences influence your post graduation professional and personal decisions? (Please answer each question.) No influence Very little influence Influenced somewhat A lot of influence Influenced very much   Not Applicable
9. International experience short term (less than 8 weeks) opt09 1 opt09 2 opt09 3 opt09 4 opt09 5   opt09 9
10. International experience long term (8 weeks or longer) opt10 1 opt10 2 opt10 3 opt10 4 opt10 5   opt10 9
11. Community service opt11 1 opt11 2 opt11 3 opt11 4 opt11 5   opt11 9
12. Leadership training opt12 1 opt12 2 opt12 3 opt12 4 opt12 5   opt12 9
13. Internship found through Rice sources, e.g., Rice web links, postings, Rice faculty, etc. opt13 1 opt13 2 opt13 3 opt13 4 opt13 5   opt13 9
14. Internship found through other sources, e.g., family, friends, non-Rice postings, etc. opt14 1 opt14 2 opt14 3 opt14 4 opt14 5   opt14 9
15. How satisfied are you with how well your major(s) prepared you for your career?
opt15 1 Very dissatisfied
opt15 2 Generally dissatisfied
opt15 3 Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied
opt15 4 Generally satisfied
opt15 5 Very satisfied
Please tell us the type of undergraduate research and design experience (if any) you had while at Rice and how much it influenced your post graduation professional decisions. (Please answer each question.) No influence Very little influence Influenced somewhat A lot of influence Influenced very much   Did not have this experience
16. Undergraduate research or design project proposed/originated by faculty opt16 1 opt16 2 opt16 3 opt16 4 opt16 5   opt16 9
17. Undergraduate research or design project that you proposed opt17 1 opt17 2 opt17 3 opt17 4 opt17 5   opt17 9
18. Undergraduate research or design project conducted with and/or for a community partner opt18 1 opt18 2 opt18 3 opt18 4 opt18 5   opt18 9
19. Of those listed below, what aspect of your independent research experience at Rice have you found to be the MOST useful in your current employment? (Mark only ONE answer.)
opt19 1 The opportunity to work collaboratively
opt19 2 The opportunity to work independently
opt19 3 Learning to frame a research question
opt19 4 Selecting/applying appropriate methodology
opt19 5 Interpreting findings
opt19 9 Not applicable, I had no independent research experience at Rice
20. How satisfied were you with your development of research skills and your opportunities to conduct research while an undergraduate at Rice?
opt20 1 Very dissatisfied
opt20 2 Generally dissatisfied
opt20 3 Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied
opt20 4 Generally satisfied
opt20 5 Very satisfied
21. How well did Rice prepare you to research and make effective career decisions?
(Mark only ONE answer.)
opt21 1 Very poorly
opt21 2 Less than adequately
opt21 3 Adequately
opt21 4 More than adequately
opt21 5 Very well
opt21 9 Not applicable

22. Please describe in the box below how Rice prepared you to identify and take advantage of employment and graduate education opportunities which advance your career within your field or industry.

23. To what extent have you been able to utilize leadership skills in service to society since leaving Rice University?
opt23 1 Not at all
opt23 2 Very little
opt23 3 Somewhat
opt23 4 A great deal

24.  Please describe in the box below what kind of academic advising was helpful or would have been helpful to you while you were an undergraduate at Rice.  Please indicate whether you are referring to advising before declaring a major or advising in your major.  Please indicate, also, whether your comment refers to advising by faculty or by upperclass students.

25. Do you feel that you are receiving sufficient communications from Rice?
(Mark only ONE answer.)
opt25 1 No. I would like more updates via regular mail
opt25 2 No. I would like more updates via email
opt25 3 No. I would like more updates via regular mail and email
opt25 4 Yes. I am getting sufficient communications from Rice
opt25 5 I am currently getting too much communication from Rice
26. When you mention Rice University in conversations with friends and colleagues, approximately what proportion recognizes the Rice name? (Mark only ONE answer.)
opt26 1 None
opt26 2 Few
opt26 3 Some
opt26 4 Most
opt26 5 All
27. When friends and colleagues recognize the Rice name, is their reaction generally positive, mixed or negative? (Mark only ONE answer.)
opt27 1 Very negative
opt27 2 Somewhat negative
opt27 3 Mixed
opt27 4 Somewhat positive
opt27 5 Very positive
28. How do you currently feel about the City of Houston? (Mark only ONE answer.)
opt28 1 Very negative
opt28 2 Somewhat negative
opt28 3 Mixed
opt28 4 Somewhat positive
opt28 5 Very positive
29. Has your perception of the City of Houston improved or worsened since you were a Rice student? (Mark only ONE answer.)
opt29 1 My perception of Houston has greatly worsened
opt29 2 My perception of Houston has somewhat worsened
opt29 3 My perception of Houston has remained about the same
opt29 4 My perception of Houston has somewhat improved
opt29 5 My perception of Houston has greatly improved
30. When you graduated from Rice University, did you consider a connection to Houston to be a distinctive feature of your Rice education?
opt30 1 Not at all
opt30 2 Very little
opt30 3 Somewhat
opt30 4 A great deal
31. Do you believe it is important for Rice to cultivate diversity in the student body?
opt31 1 Yes
opt31 2 No
Because of Rices interest in the well-being of all students, it would be enormously helpful to the university if you would answer the following question. Your response is voluntary and totally confidential. It will not be reported in any way that would identify you.
32. Do you identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT)?
opt32 1 Yes
opt32 2 No

33. Please write in the space below the academic or career related advice you would give to current Rice undergraduates.

Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions in this survey (it is helpful if you refer to the questions by number), or to comment on any aspect of Rice University.

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.