Stanford University 2009 Alumni Survey
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1. If you are currently employed, is your current position related to your undergraduate minor(s)?

2. If you are currently employed, which occupation category best describes your current position
(mark one)?


3. To what extent did your overall undergraduate experience influence your plans for graduate or professional studies?

4. How well did your undergraduate experience prepare you for personal and professional situations that require: Not at all
2 3 4 Very well
Awareness of contemporary issues in society, technology, and the natural world, and appreciation of their complexity of cause and consequences opt17 1 opt17 2 opt17 3 opt17 4 opt17 5
Ability to evaluate and choose between alternative courses of action opt18 1 opt18 2 opt18 3 opt18 4 opt18 5
Ability to get along with people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives opt19 1 opt19 2 opt19 3 opt19 4 opt19 5
Ability to work as a member of a team or group opt20 1 opt20 2 opt20 3 opt20 4 opt20 5

5. Did you go to Stanford in Washington (SIW)?
     Question 11

6. Which year did you go?

7. Did your experience in the SIW program lead you to (check all that apply):

8. After graduation, did your experience at SIW impact your career choice?

9. Did your SIW experience facilitate obtaining a job?

10. Did your SIW experience impact your post-College educational plans?

11. Did you go to an overseas campus for a quarter or more?
     Question 17

12. Which year did you go overseas?

13. Did your experience in the overseas program lead you to (check all that apply):

14. Did you do an internship while overseas?

15. After graduation, did your overseas experience impact your career choice?

16. Did your overseas experience impact your post-College educational plans?

17. Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to elaborate further on any of the questions above (it is helpful if you refer to the questions by number) or to comment on any aspect of Stanford University. Your comments are of great interest to administrators at your school. They will be reported to officials confidentially.

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