Williams Alumni Survey
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1. The following is a list of general programs and services provided by the Alumni Relations Office and the Society of Alumni. Please rate how important each one is to you on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means "not important at all" and 7 means "very important." If you were not previously aware of a program or service, please indicate this by selecting "Not aware".

  Not important at all
2 3 4 5 6 Very important
Not aware
a. Providing social opportunities to alumni opt01 1 opt01 2 opt01 3 opt01 4 opt01 5 opt01 6 opt01 7 opt01 8
b. Providing professional networking opportunities opt02 1 opt02 2 opt02 3 opt02 4 opt02 5 opt02 6 opt02 7 opt02 8
c. Providing educational opportunities opt03 1 opt03 2 opt03 3 opt03 4 opt03 5 opt03 6 opt03 7 opt03 8
d. Keeping alumni informed about developments at Williams opt04 1 opt04 2 opt04 3 opt04 4 opt04 5 opt04 6 opt04 7 opt04 8
e. Providing access to an online alumni directory opt05 1 opt05 2 opt05 3 opt05 4 opt05 5 opt05 6 opt05 7 opt05 8
f. Providing career services resources opt06 1 opt06 2 opt06 3 opt06 4 opt06 5 opt06 6 opt06 7 opt06 8
g. Maintaining a high quality Web site opt07 1 opt07 2 opt07 3 opt07 4 opt07 5 opt07 6 opt07 7 opt07 8
h. Providing alumni with a Williams email forwarding service opt08 1 opt08 2 opt08 3 opt08 4 opt08 5 opt08 6 opt08 7 opt08 8
i. Providing opportunities to hear from Williams faculty opt09 1 opt09 2 opt09 3 opt09 4 opt09 5 opt09 6 opt09 7 opt09 8

2. Now please go through the same list again and rate the Alumni Relations Office and Society of Alumni’s performance in each area. Please use a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means "poor" and 7 means "excellent".

2 3 4 5 6 Excellent
Not applicable
a. Providing social opportunities to alumni opt10 1 opt10 2 opt10 3 opt10 4 opt10 5 opt10 6 opt10 7 opt10 8
b. Providing professional networking opportunities opt11 1 opt11 2 opt11 3 opt11 4 opt11 5 opt11 6 opt11 7 opt11 8
c. Providing educational opportunities opt12 1 opt12 2 opt12 3 opt12 4 opt12 5 opt12 6 opt12 7 opt12 8
d. Keeping alumni informed about developments at Williams opt13 1 opt13 2 opt13 3 opt13 4 opt13 5 opt13 6 opt13 7 opt13 8
e. Providing access to an online alumni directory opt14 1 opt14 2 opt14 3 opt14 4 opt14 5 opt14 6 opt14 7 opt14 8
f. Providing career services resources opt15 1 opt15 2 opt15 3 opt15 4 opt15 5 opt15 6 opt15 7 opt15 8
g. Maintaining a high quality Web site opt16 1 opt16 2 opt16 3 opt16 4 opt16 5 opt16 6 opt16 7 opt16 8
h. Providing alumni with a Williams email forwarding service opt17 1 opt17 2 opt17 3 opt17 4 opt17 5 opt17 6 opt17 7 opt17 8
i. Providing opportunities to hear from Williams faculty opt18 1 opt18 2 opt18 3 opt18 4 opt18 5 opt18 6 opt18 7 opt18 8
3. How important is it to be able to specify the particular kind(s) of information that Williams delivers to you via e-mail and the Web?
opt19 1 Very important
opt19 2 Somewhat important
opt19 3 Not important, I just ignore what doesn't interest me
4. Do you agree or disagree that Williams effectively communicates news and information relevant to alumni?
opt20 1 Strongly agree
opt20 2 Somewhat agree
opt20 3 Neither agree nor disagree
opt20 4 Somewhat disagree
opt20 5 Strongly disagree
5. If a full version of the Alumni Review were on-line, would you read it instead of a hardcopy version?
opt21 1 On-line would be preferable
opt21 2 On-line is OK, but I prefer paper
opt21 3 I very much prefer paper
opt21 4 Either form is acceptable
opt21 5 Not sure

6. Which, if any, social networking websites (SNW) (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn) do you use regularly? (check all that apply)

[smalltextbox] opt26txt

7. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements: Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
a) It would be good if Williams created networking opportunities for alumni, students, and faculty on a social networking website. opt27 1 opt27 2 opt27 3 opt27 4 opt27 5
b) I would consider using a social networking website to participate in Williams networking opportunities. opt28 1 opt28 2 opt28 3 opt28 4 opt28 5
c) I would consider joining a social networking website I don’t currently use in order to participate in Williams networking opportunities. opt29 1 opt29 2 opt29 3 opt29 4 opt29 5
d) I would welcome communication from the college/alumni office through a social networking website site. opt30 1 opt30 2 opt30 3 opt30 4 opt30 5

Thank you for your assistance. Please use the space below to comment on any aspect of Williams. Your comments are of great interest to administrators at your school. They will be reported confidentially.

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