Duke University Duke University
2007 Enrolled Student Survey
Progress: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Complete


Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions in this survey (refer to the question by number) or comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Questions from Duke University

On a scale of 1-5, with 1=least enjoyable and 5=most enjoyable, please rank the extent to which you enjoy the following social activities: least enjoyable
2 3 4 most enjoyable
1. Fraternity/sorority parties LOCAL01 1 LOCAL01 2 LOCAL01 3 LOCAL01 4 LOCAL01 5
2. Programs sponsored by the University Union or other campus wide student organizations LOCAL02 1 LOCAL02 2 LOCAL02 3 LOCAL02 4 LOCAL02 5

On a scale of 1-5, with 1=smallest contribution and 5=largest contribution, how much do each of the following kinds of interactions contribute to your social experience at Duke: smallest contribution
2 3 4 largest contribution
3. Interactions with students from different backgrounds and/or nationalities LOCAL03 1 LOCAL03 2 LOCAL03 3 LOCAL03 4 LOCAL03 5
4. Interactions with faculty LOCAL04 1 LOCAL04 2 LOCAL04 3 LOCAL04 4 LOCAL04 5
5. Interactions with administrators or other staff LOCAL05 1 LOCAL05 2 LOCAL05 3 LOCAL05 4 LOCAL05 5

6. Which of the following best describes your own preference for integration of social and intellectual pursuits at Duke?
LOCAL06 1 Low integration: my social life is how I recover from the pressures of the classroom and faculty expectations
LOCAL06 2 Moderate integration: my social life provides a breather from class work but I enjoy an occasional out of class discussion about an intellectual topic that may be of interest
LOCAL06 3 High integration: I'd prefer more connections between my classroom and social lives including more opportunities to talk with faculty outside of the classroom

7. On a 1-5 scale, how well does Duke foster out of class interactions between students and faculty?

very poorly
2 3 4 very well

8. Which of the following is the greatest single barrier to out of class interactions between students and faculty?
LOCAL08 1 Lack of faculty interest
LOCAL08 2 Lack of student interest
LOCAL08 3 Absence of venues that could foster unplanned conversations, e.g., coffee shops

9. Which of the following is the greatest single barrier to a rich social scene at Duke?
LOCAL09 1 Policy constraints, e.g., the alcohol policy
LOCAL09 2 Durham and the very limited options for off campus activities (e.g. music venues, bars, clubs, etc.)
LOCAL09 3 Limited on-campus facilities and resources
LOCAL09 4 Student imagination and initiative

10. During your undergraduate career, how many independent research or creative projects do you plan to undertake?
LOCAL10 1 None
LOCAL10 2 1
LOCAL10 3 2-3
LOCAL10 4 4-5
LOCAL10 5 more than 5

11. Do you plan to participate in a Graduation with Distinction program and complete an honors thesis in your major?
LOCAL11 1 definitely not
LOCAL11 2 probably not
LOCAL11 3 maybe
LOCAL11 4 probably yes
LOCAL11 5 definitely yes

12. Do your career and life plans involve international experiences?
LOCAL12 1 definitely not
LOCAL12 2 probably not
LOCAL12 3 maybe
LOCAL12 4 probably yes
LOCAL12 5 definitely yes

13. Do your career and life plans involve being an active agent for community change?
LOCAL13 1 definitely not
LOCAL13 2 probably not
LOCAL13 3 maybe
LOCAL13 4 probably yes
LOCAL13 5 definitely yes

14. How many written assignments or projects did you complete that required you to revise an initial draft in response to feedback?
LOCAL14 1 None
LOCAL14 2 1-2
LOCAL14 3 3-4
LOCAL14 4 5-6
LOCAL14 5 more than 6

15. In terms of your writing skills, to what extent has your ability to formulate and support an argument developed during your Duke career thus far?
LOCAL15 1 not at all
LOCAL15 2 a little
LOCAL15 3 somewhat
LOCAL15 4 a lot
LOCAL15 5 very much

16. To what extent has your ability to recognize meaningful patterns in complex sources of information developed during your Duke career thus far?
LOCAL16 1 not at all
LOCAL16 2 a little
LOCAL16 3 somewhat
LOCAL16 4 a lot
LOCAL16 5 very much

17. To what extent has your ability to discern among competing claims developed during your Duke career thus far?
LOCAL17 1 not at all
LOCAL17 2 a little
LOCAL17 3 somewhat
LOCAL17 4 a lot
LOCAL17 5 very much

18. To what extent would you characterize your undergraduate experience as having been interdisciplinary?
LOCAL18 1 not at all
LOCAL18 2 a little
LOCAL18 3 somewhat
LOCAL18 4 a lot
LOCAL18 5 very much

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