To: From: "Alison Donta" Subject: Mount Holyoke Enrolled Student Survey Dear [STUDENT FIRST NAME], Recently you received a message from Dean O'Shea describing the participation of Mount Holyoke College in the Enrolled Student Survey this year. Surveys like this give students an opportunity to make their voices heard on campus and permits us to compare our institutional condition with other similar schools. The faculty and administrators will be paying close attention to this information; it is central to Mount Holyoke's planning and commitment to excellence. To thank you for your participation in this confidential survey, we are offering three prizes of $100 in MHCXpress Card credit. All students responding to the survey by the closing date of April 23rd will automatically be entered into the drawing. This is our way of letting you know how much we appreciate your time and input. We thank you in advance for taking the time to provide important feedback to Mount Holyoke! To access the survey, please go to the following personal survey URL: [URL] This is a unique link assigned to you - please do not share it with others. All data from this, and all, the COFHE surveys remain strictly confidential. The information obtained in this survey will be used in conjunction with the information that is currently on file at Mount Holyoke College. Identification of your questionnaire will permit us to avoid sending you a reminder notice once you complete the survey and to merge the data from this survey with other electronic data at Mount Holyoke College. Neither personally identifiable information nor your identifiable responses to survey questions will become part of the reporting from this survey. If you have any questions or concerns while you are taking this survey, please don't hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you again for your time, Alison Donta Director of Institutional Research