Pomona College Pomona College
Enrolled Student Survey
Progress: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Complete

Questions from Pomona

1. During the current academic year, how often have you gone to the Writing Center or worked with a Writing Fellow to improve your writing?
LOCAL01 = 1 Never
LOCAL01 = 2 1-2 times
LOCAL01 = 3 3-4 times
LOCAL01 = 4 5-6 times
LOCAL01 = 5 more than 6 times

2. How many written assignments or projects have you completed this academic year that required you to revise an initial draft in response to feedback?
LOCAL02 = 1 None
LOCAL02 = 2 1-2
LOCAL02 = 3 3-4
LOCAL02 = 4 5-6
LOCAL02 = 5 more than 6

3. In terms of your writing skills, to what extent has your ability to formulate and support an argument developed during your time at Pomona College thus far?
LOCAL03 = 1 not at all
LOCAL03 = 2 a little
LOCAL03 = 3 somewhat
LOCAL03 = 4 a lot
LOCAL03 = 5 very much

Please respond to the statements below using the scale provided: strongly disagree disagree neutral/ mixed reaction/ not certain agree strongly agree
4. I have the skills to provide an interpretation of data, a text, a performance, etc. in writing. LOCAL04 = 1 LOCAL04 = 2 LOCAL04 = 3 LOCAL04 = 4 LOCAL04 = 5
5. I have the skills to identify and use outside sources in writing. LOCAL05 = 1 LOCAL05 = 2 LOCAL05 = 3 LOCAL05 = 4 LOCAL05 = 5
6. I have the skills to articulate my own arguments in a persuasive manner to a specific imagined audience. LOCAL06 = 1 LOCAL06 = 2 LOCAL06 = 3 LOCAL06 = 4 LOCAL06 = 5
7. I would like additional support outside of class to help improve my writing. LOCAL07 = 1 LOCAL07 = 2 LOCAL07 = 3 LOCAL07 = 4 LOCAL07 = 5
8. My experiences at Pomona (travel abroad, course work, friendships) have caused me to think about global/international issue differently. LOCAL08 = 1 LOCAL08 = 2 LOCAL08 = 3 LOCAL08 = 4 LOCAL08 = 5
9. My experiences at Pomona have caused me to think about my role in the local community differently. LOCAL09 = 1 LOCAL09 = 2 LOCAL09 = 3 LOCAL09 = 4 LOCAL09 = 5
10. My experiences at Pomona have contributed to a better understanding of cultures and communities different from my own. LOCAL10 = 1 LOCAL10 = 2 LOCAL10 = 3 LOCAL10 = 4 LOCAL10 = 5

11. What has been the most valuable learning experience you've had at Pomona and why? It does not have to be a course or a class-based experience.

12. What important skills and/or abilities do you feel you have not made adequate progress on while at Pomona?

13. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions in this survey (refer to the question by number) or comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and finish the survey.