To: [first last] From: "Dean of Undergraduates" Subject: Rice Enrolled Student Survey Dear [insert salutation]: We are delighted to invite you to participate in our 2007 Enrolled Student Survey. Through the convenience of this web-based survey we hope that you will candidly share with us your views about various aspects of your undergraduate experiences. This project is part of our on-going efforts to evaluate how well we are serving our students, so we need to hear from you. Your responses will remain confidential and the results of the survey will be used by Rice administrators and faculty to assess and improve the programs, services, resources and opportunities available to all Rice undergraduates. We are participating with several of our peer schools in administering this survey to the student body through the web survey facilities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition to the questions that students from all peer schools will answer, there are a few of particular local interest to Rice at the end of the survey. To access the Enrolled Student Survey, please go to your personal survey URL: [URL] Thank you very much for your help with this project. Sincerely, Robin Forman Dean of Undergraduates