To: [first last] From: "Dean of Undergraduates" Subject: Enrolled Student Survey -- First Reminder Dear [insert salutation]: On February 23 we sent you by email an invitation to participate on-line in the Rice 2007 Enrolled Student Survey. If you have already done so, we are grateful. However, if you have not yet completed the survey, this is a reminder to you to do so today. We urge your participation. Your opinions inform the administrative decisions we make as we strive for excellence in the programs and services we offer our undergraduates. We assure you that your responses will be confidential. The survey data will be used for statistical purposes only. The results will be reported in the aggregate and not in a manner that would identify you or any other individual. Rice is participating with several of our peer schools in administering this survey through the web survey facilities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. To access the survey, please go to your personal survey URL: [URL] Thank you for participating in this valuable research project. Sincerely, Robin Forman Dean of Undergraduates