To: [first last] From: "Dean of Undergraduates" Subject: Enrolled Student Survey -- Second Reminder Dear [insert salutation]: The Rice 2007 Enrolled Student Survey will close on Sunday, April 8, 2007. If you have already completed it, we are grateful. However, if you have not yet completed the survey, we urge you to do so today. We would like the results of the study to reflect the views of the entire undergraduate student body, so we do need to hear from you. Here is your personal URL for access to the survey: [URL] We know that your time is valuable and appreciate greatly your cooperation. We assure you that your responses will be confidential. The survey data will be used for statistical purposes only. The results will be reported in the aggregate and not in a manner that would identify you or any other individual. Our thanks to you for helping Rice and your fellow students by participating in this study. Sincerely, Robin Forman Dean of Undergraduates