To: [student email] From: "Julie Lythcott-Haims" Subject: Stanford Enrolled Student Survey Dear [Student's First Name], Recently you received a message asking for your help with a survey about your undergraduate experience that Stanford is conducting with other top colleges and universities. I noticed that you have not yet completed the survey. Surveys like this give students an opportunity to make their voices heard and permit us to compare our institutional condition with other similar schools. Your opinions matter a great deal to us, so I am writing to ask you to please fill it out. You can access the survey by going to the following personal survey URL: [unique web link] As if altruistic motives weren't enough, if you complete the survey, you are eligible to win an iPod, a $50 gift certificate to the Bookstore, or a $10 gift certificate to either Jamba Juice or iTunes. The survey takes just 20-25 minutes to complete. So please consider doing it when next you feel like procrastinating or jumping on Facebook. My thanks in advance for taking the time to provide important feedback to Stanford. The survey closes on June 6, 2007. All the best, Julie Lythcott-Haims Dean of Freshmen P.S. MIT is hosting this web-based survey on its server as a service to the Consortium for Financing Higher Education (COFHE). All data from the survey will remain strictly confidential. Although your survey has a personal identifier, it is only used to send reminder notices, and to enter you in the prize drawing. Neither personally identifiable information nor your identifiable responses to survey questions will become part of the reporting from this survey.