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Questions from Amherst

1. How would you describe your writing skills when you entered Amherst College?
AMALL01 1 Excellent
AMALL01 2 Above average
AMALL01 3 Average
AMALL01 4 Poor
AMALL01 5 Very poor
2. How would you describe your writing skills now?
AMALL02 1 Excellent
AMALL02 2 Above average
AMALL02 3 Average
AMALL02 4 Poor
AMALL02 5 Very poor
3. What sort of priority do you place on your ability to write effectively?
AMALL03 1 The very highest priority
AMALL03 2 High priority
AMALL03 3 Some priority
AMALL03 4 Low priority
AMALL03 5 No priority at all
4. Have you ever visited the Amherst College Writing Center?
AMALL04 1 Never
AMALL04 2 Once
AMALL04 3 A few times
AMALL04 4 Many times
AMALL04 5 Almost every time that I'm asked to write a paper.
5. If you have never visited the Writing Center, what has held you back? (Check all that apply.)
6. If you have visited the Writing Center, how satisfied have you been with the sort of instruction you have received?
AMALL11 1 Very satisfied
AMALL11 2 Generally satisfied
AMALL11 3 Generally dissatisfied
AMALL11 4 Very dissatisfied
AMALL11 5 Varied from visit to visit
AMALL11 6 I have never visited the Writing Center
7. Think about the class when you got the most helpful feedback on your writing, what sort of instruction did you receive from your professors at Amherst College? (Check all that apply.)

8. In how many courses that you have taken at Amherst College has instruction in writing been a high priority of the professor?

9. In general, how would you rate the quality of the writing instruction that you have received from your professors at Amherst College?
AMALL19 1 Excellent
AMALL19 2 Above average
AMALL19 3 Average
AMALL19 4 Poor
AMALL19 5 Very poor
AMALL19 6 Varies widely
AMALL19 7 I did not receive any writing instruction.

10. In which departments (or programs) at Amherst College have your professors helped you to improve your writing skills? (Select up to 3)
11. If you wanted to improve your writing skills, in which departments at Amherst College would you take a course? (Select up to 3)
1 "American Studies" 2 "Anthropology" 3 "Art and the History of Art" 4 "Asian Languages and Civilizations" 5 "Astronomy" 6 "Biochemistry and Biophysics" 7 "Biology" 8 "Black Studies" 9 "Chemistry" 10 "Classics" 11 "Computer Science" 12 "Economics" 13 "English" 14 "Environmental Studies" 15 "European Studies" 16 "Film and Media Studies" 17 "French" 18 "Geology" 19 "German" 20 "Greek" 21 "History" 22 "Latin" 23 "Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought" 24 "Mathematics" 25 "Music" 26 "Neuroscience" 27 "Philosophy" 28 "Physics" 29 "Political Science" 30 "Psychology" 31 "Religion" 32 "Russian" 33 "Sociology" 34 "Spanish" 35 "Theater and Dance" 36 "Women's and Gender Studies" 37 "None"

12. What emphasis do you believe Amherst College, as an institution, places on teaching students how to write effectively?
AMALL26 1 Very Strong
AMALL26 2 Strong
AMALL26 3 Moderate
AMALL26 4 Little
AMALL26 5 Very little/none
13. In general, how satisfied are you with the writing instruction that you have received at Amherst College?
AMALL27 1 Very satisfied
AMALL27 2 Generally satisfied
AMALL27 3 Generally dissatisfied
AMALL27 4 Very dissatisfied
AMALL27 5 Varies widely
14. If you have not taken advantage of courses and resources at the College for improving your writing, why not? (Check all that apply.)
15. If you had any problems with your writing when you entered Amherst College, how would you characterize them? (Check all that apply.)
16. If you currently have any writing problems, how would you characterize them? (Check all that apply.)
17. What is the longest paper that you have written since you've been at Amherst College?
AMALL47 1 1 - 4 pages
AMALL47 2 5 - 10 pages
AMALL47 3 11 - 15 pages
AMALL47 4 16 - 20 pages
AMALL47 5 21 - 30 pages
AMALL47 6 Over 30 pages

18. Please rate the extent to which your abilities in the areas listed below have changed since you first came to Amherst.

  Much weaker
2 3 No change
5 6 Much stronger
Communicating well orally toral 1 toral 2 toral 3 toral 4 toral 5 toral 6 toral 7
Formulating/creating original ideas and solutions tcreate 1 tcreate 2 tcreate 3 tcreate 4 tcreate 5 tcreate 6 tcreate 7
Using quantitative tools (e.g., statistics, graphs) tquant 1 tquant 2 tquant 3 tquant 4 tquant 5 tquant 6 tquant 7
Developing career- or work-related knowledge and skills tprepar 1 tprepar 2 tprepar 3 tprepar 4 tprepar 5 tprepar 6 tprepar 7
Understanding the process of science and experimentation tsciproc 1 tsciproc 2 tsciproc 3 tsciproc 4 tsciproc 5 tsciproc 6 tsciproc 7
Leading and supervising tasks and groups of people tlead 1 tlead 2 tlead 3 tlead 4 tlead 5 tlead 6 tlead 7

19. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions on the survey and to comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Last Section: First-Years

1. Approximately how many writing assignments were given in your First-Year Seminar? (Choose one)
AMFY50 1 0
AMFY50 2 1
AMFY50 3 2 - 4
AMFY50 4 5 - 10
AMFY50 5 11 or more
2. Approximately how many total pages did you write for your First-Year Seminar? (Choose one)
AMFY51 1 1 – 10
AMFY51 2 11 – 25
AMFY51 3 26 – 50
AMFY51 4 51 – 75
AMFY51 5 75 or more
3. What sort of instruction in writing did you receive from the instructor of your First-Year Seminar? (Check all that apply.)
4. How would you describe the written feedback you received about your writing from your First-Year Seminar instructor? (Choose One)
AMFY58 1 Very few or no comments were given on writing assignments
AMFY58 2 Extensive and helpful comments
AMFY58 3 Extensive but not helpful comments
AMFY58 4 Brief and helpful comments
AMFY58 5 Brief but not very helpful comments
5. Do you believe that your academic writing skills improved as a result of your taking a First-Year Seminar?
AMFY63 1 Substantially
AMFY63 2 Somewhat
AMFY63 3 Little
AMFY63 4 None
6. At this early date, do you plan to write a Senior Honors Thesis?
AMFY48 1 Yes
AMFY48 2 No
AMFY48 3 I'm not sure

Last Section: Sophomores

1. At this early date, do you plan to write a Senior Honors Thesis?
AMFY48 1 Yes
AMFY48 2 No
AMFY48 3 I'm not sure

Last Section: Juniors

1. Whether or not you plan to write a thesis, do you feel adequately prepared to write a Senior Honors Thesis?
AMJU65 1 Yes
AMJU65 2 No
2. What experiences prepared you for such a large writing project? (Check all that apply)
3. How do you think that the College could better prepare you to write a Senior Thesis? (Check all that apply)
4. Do you plan to write a Senior Honors Thesis?
AMJU48 1 Yes
AMJU48 2 No
AMJU48 3 I'm not sure - skip to Question 7
5. If you answered "yes" to Question 4 (you plan to write a Senior Honors Thesis), why do you want to write a thesis? (Check all that apply)
6. If you answered "no" to Question 4 (you do not plan to write a Senior Honors Thesis), why have you decided not to write a thesis? (Check all that apply)
7. How do you think that the College could help to make the Senior Thesis experience more rewarding? (Check all that apply)

Last Section: Seniors

1. Are you writing a Senior Honors Thesis?
AMSEN107 1 Yes
AMSEN107 2 No
AMSEN107 3 I started a thesis, but decided not to pursue it.
2. If you are not writing a Senior Honor Thesis:
Why did you decide not to write a thesis?
(Check all that apply and then skip to Question 9)
3. If you are writing or started a thesis and decided not to pursue it:
Did you feel adequately prepared to take on such a large writing project?
AMSEN108 1 Yes
AMSEN108 2 No
4. If you are writing or started a thesis and decided not to pursue it:
What experiences prepared you for such a large writing project?
(Check all that apply)
5. If you are writing or started a thesis and decided not to pursue it:
Why did you want to write a thesis?
(Check all that apply)

If you are writing a thesis, go to Question 6.
If you started a thesis and decided not to pursue it, skip to Question 9.

6. If you are writing a Senior Honors Thesis:
Are you glad that you decided to write a thesis?
AMSEN144 1 Definitely
AMSEN144 2 Ambivalent
AMSEN144 3 Definitely not
7. If you are writing a Senior Honors Thesis:
What was most valuable about the thesis writing experience?
(Check all that apply)
8. If you are writing a Senior Honors Thesis:
What regrets, if any, do you have about writing a thesis?
(Check all that apply)
9. How do you think that the College might have better prepared you to write a Senior Thesis? (Check all that apply)
10. How do you think that the College might have helped to make the Senior Thesis experience more rewarding? (Check all that apply)