Evaluate Your School You as a Student Faculty & Advisors Your Progress Working for Pay Activities Health & Well-Being Your Background  

Last Section: Questions for Freshmen

1. Please rate the extent to which your abilities in the areas listed below have changed since you first came to Harvard.

  Much weaker
2 3 No change
5 6 Much stronger
Communicating well orally toral 1 toral 2 toral 3 toral 4 toral 5 toral 6 toral 7
Formulating/creating original ideas and solutions tcreate 1 tcreate 2 tcreate 3 tcreate 4 tcreate 5 tcreate 6 tcreate 7
Using quantitative tools (e.g., statistics, graphs) tquant 1 tquant 2 tquant 3 tquant 4 tquant 5 tquant 6 tquant 7
Developing career- or work-related knowledge and skills tprepar 1 tprepar 2 tprepar 3 tprepar 4 tprepar 5 tprepar 6 tprepar 7
Understanding the process of science and experimentation tsciproc 1 tsciproc 2 tsciproc 3 tsciproc 4 tsciproc 5 tsciproc 6 tsciproc 7
Leading and supervising tasks and groups of people tlead 1 tlead 2 tlead 3 tlead 4 tlead 5 tlead 6 tlead 7

Harvard has always been interested in the holistic development of its students, as evidenced by its commitment, among other things, to public service and a unique residential plan, with the presence of proctors, tutors, and local dining halls.

The Freshman Dean’s Office, in particular, has launched initiatives to encourage you to think about important moral, ethical, and civic issues (examples include: proctor-led exercises at the start of the year regarding “Community Living Scenarios,” Community Conversations (about summer readings), invitations to the “Reflecting on Your Life” series, the Leadership Summit, Student-Faculty Luncheons about ethical topics, and classwide emails from the Dean on topics ranging from “Why Vote?” to “Communicating in a Kind and Candid Way about Blocking.”

2. How aware are you of these initiatives?
HARF01 1 Not at all
HARF01 2 Little
HARF01 3 Somewhat
HARF01 4 Strongly
3. To what extent have these initiatives had an impact on the continuing development of your character?
HARF02 1 Not at all
HARF02 2 Little
HARF02 3 Somewhat
HARF02 4 Significant
4. To what extent has your academic work encouraged you to think about important moral, ethical, and civic issues?
HARF03 1 Not at all
HARF03 2 A Little
HARF03 3 Somewhat
HARF03 4 A lot
5a. What are the values that you think HARVARD stands for? Please check all that apply. 5b. What are the values YOU stand for? Please check all that apply.
HARF17txt HARF37txt

Your background

6. Please indicate your citizenship and/or generation status (choose one)
HARF40 1 Your grandparents, parents, AND you were born in the US
HARF40 2 Both your parents AND you were born in the US
HARF40 3 You were born in the US, but at least one of your parents was not
HARF40 4 You are a foreign born, naturalized citizen
HARF40 5 You are a foreign born, resident alien/permanent resident
HARF40 6 International student

7. What is the primary language spoken in your home?


8. Please comment on the most disappointing aspects of your freshman experience.

9. Please comment on the best aspects of your freshman experience.

Thank you for completing the 2011 Enrolled Student Survey. Please select “Finish” below to submit your survey.

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.

Last Section: Questions for Sophomores & Juniors

1. Please rate the extent to which your abilities in the areas listed below have changed since you first came to Harvard.

  Much weaker
2 3 No change
5 6 Much stronger
Communicating well orally toral 1 toral 2 toral 3 toral 4 toral 5 toral 6 toral 7
Formulating/creating original ideas and solutions tcreate 1 tcreate 2 tcreate 3 tcreate 4 tcreate 5 tcreate 6 tcreate 7
Using quantitative tools (e.g., statistics, graphs) tquant 1 tquant 2 tquant 3 tquant 4 tquant 5 tquant 6 tquant 7
Developing career- or work-related knowledge and skills tprepar 1 tprepar 2 tprepar 3 tprepar 4 tprepar 5 tprepar 6 tprepar 7
Understanding the process of science and experimentation tsciproc 1 tsciproc 2 tsciproc 3 tsciproc 4 tsciproc 5 tsciproc 6 tsciproc 7
Leading and supervising tasks and groups of people tlead 1 tlead 2 tlead 3 tlead 4 tlead 5 tlead 6 tlead 7

Please tell us about your experiences with the Registrar’s Office

2. If you have contacted the Registrar's Office via one of the methods below, please rate your satisfaction with the experience:

  Very dissatisfied Generally dissatisfied Generally satisfied Very satisfied   Not applicable
Telephone call HARJ01 1 HARJ01 2 HARJ01 3 HARJ01 4   HARJ01 9
Email HARJ02 1 HARJ02 2 HARJ02 3 HARJ02 4   HARJ02 9
Walk in HARJ03 1 HARJ03 2 HARJ03 3 HARJ03 4   HARJ03 9

3. Please rate your satisfaction with the following services of the Registrar's Office:

  Very dissatisfied Generally dissatisfied Generally satisfied Very satisfied   Not applicable
Requesting a transcript HARJ05 1 HARJ05 2 HARJ05 3 HARJ05 4   HARJ05 9
Resolving an issue with a grade change HARJ06 1 HARJ06 2 HARJ06 3 HARJ06 4   HARJ06 9
Resolving an issue with a registration (excluding blocks to your registration due to financial or UHS issues) HARJ07 1 HARJ07 2 HARJ07 3 HARJ07 4   HARJ07 9
Resolving an issue with your study card/enrollment HARJ08 1 HARJ08 2 HARJ08 3 HARJ08 4   HARJ08 9
The Registrar’s Office Website as a resource to answer your questions HARJ09 1 HARJ09 2 HARJ09 3 HARJ09 4   HARJ09 9
Other HARJ11 HARJ10 1 HARJ10 2 HARJ10 3 HARJ10 4   HARJ10 9

4. If you would like to elaborate on any of the above, please do so here:

5. If signatures were not required for the study card or other registrarial forms, I would still feel committed to meet with my adviser in person to discuss academic matters.
HARJ13 1 Yes
HARJ13 2 No

Your background

6. Please indicate your citizenship and/or generation status (choose one)
HARF40 1 Your grandparents, parents, AND you were born in the US
HARF40 2 Both your parents AND you were born in the US
HARF40 3 You were born in the US, but at least one of your parents was not
HARF40 4 You are a foreign born, naturalized citizen
HARF40 5 You are a foreign born, resident alien/permanent resident
HARF40 6 International student

7. What is the primary language spoken in your home?


8. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions on the survey and to comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Thank you for completing the 2011 Enrolled Student Survey. Please select “Finish” below to submit your survey.


Last Section: Questions for Seniors

1. Please rate the extent to which your abilities in the areas listed below have changed since you first came to Harvard.

  Much weaker
2 3 No change
5 6 Much stronger
Communicating well orally toral 1 toral 2 toral 3 toral 4 toral 5 toral 6 toral 7
Formulating/creating original ideas and solutions tcreate 1 tcreate 2 tcreate 3 tcreate 4 tcreate 5 tcreate 6 tcreate 7
Using quantitative tools (e.g., statistics, graphs) tquant 1 tquant 2 tquant 3 tquant 4 tquant 5 tquant 6 tquant 7
Developing career- or work-related knowledge and skills tprepar 1 tprepar 2 tprepar 3 tprepar 4 tprepar 5 tprepar 6 tprepar 7
Understanding the process of science and experimentation tsciproc 1 tsciproc 2 tsciproc 3 tsciproc 4 tsciproc 5 tsciproc 6 tsciproc 7
Leading and supervising tasks and groups of people tlead 1 tlead 2 tlead 3 tlead 4 tlead 5 tlead 6 tlead 7

You’re almost done! Please answer the following questions about your academic experiences while at Harvard.

3. I had enough time to choose a concentration.
HARS02 1 Strongly disagree
HARS02 2 Disagree
HARS02 3 Neither agree nor disagree
HARS02 4 Agree
HARS02 5 Strongly agree
4. Did you complete a senior thesis?
HARS03 1 Yes
HARS03 2 No
5. If you did complete a senior thesis, how satisfied were you with the experience?
HARS04 1 Very dissatisfied
HARS04 2 Generally dissatisfied
HARS04 3 Generally satisfied
HARS04 4 Very satisfied
HARS04 5 Not applicable
6. If you could do it all over again, would you still choose to write a thesis?
HARS05 1 No
HARS05 2 Yes
Why or why not? HARS06
7. What were the most significant benefits of writing a senior thesis?
Please check all that apply.
8. What were the most difficult aspects of writing a senior thesis?
Please check all that apply.
9. If you began but did not complete a senior thesis or project, please indicate the primary reason for not completing it.
HARS26 1 Inability to find a suitable adviser
HARS26 2 Lack of a suitable topic
HARS26 3 Loss of interest in the topic
HARS26 4 Lack of progress
HARS26 5 Decided to pursue other interests
HARS26 6 Unsatisfactory match with adviser
HARS26 7 Other HARS27
10. If you did not begin a senior thesis or project, what factors influenced your decision?

11. Is there anything that might have improved the thesis experience?

12. Overall Satisfaction

  Very Dissatisfied Generally Dissatisfied Ambivalent Generally Satisfied Very Satisfied
Overall, how satisfied have you been with your concentration? HARS45 1 HARS45 2 HARS45 3 HARS45 4 HARS45 5
Overall, how satisfied have you been with the academic advising provided by your concentration? HARS46 1 HARS46 2 HARS46 3 HARS46 4 HARS46 5
Overall, how satisfied have you been with your Undergraduate Education? HARS47 1 HARS47 2 HARS47 3 HARS47 4 HARS47 5
What is your level of satisfaction with your overall experience at Harvard? HARS48 1 HARS48 2 HARS48 3 HARS48 4 HARS48 5

13. Please comment on your most positive academic experience at Harvard.

14. Please comment on your most disappointing academic experience at Harvard.

And finally, tell us about your future plans:

16. Use the categories below to tell us what you expect to be doing THIS FALL. Mark all that apply.
17. If you expect to be working for pay, full-time or part-time:
In what sector do you expect to be employed? Mark the best answer.
HARS55 1 Business
HARS55 2 Communications, media, or the arts
HARS55 3 Consulting
HARS55 4 Education
HARS55 5 Engineering
HARS55 6 Financial services
HARS55 7 Government
HARS55 8 Health or medicine
HARS55 9 Information technology
HARS55 10 Law
HARS55 11 Military
HARS55 12 Non-profit agency or NGO
HARS55 13 Sales and marketing
HARS55 14 Sports, hospitality, recreation
HARS55 15 Other. Please specify: HARS56
18. If you expect to be attending graduate or professional school:
Which, if any, degrees do you plan to pursue this fall?
Mark more than one answer if you expect to receive a joint degree.

19. Tell us - if you know - which school you will be attending this fall.

20. If you plan to pursue a Master's or Doctoral degree in the fall, in which field(s) do you expect to earn a degree?

Your background

21. Please indicate your citizenship and/or generation status (choose one)
HARF40 1 Your grandparents, parents, AND you were born in the US
HARF40 2 Both your parents AND you were born in the US
HARF40 3 You were born in the US, but at least one of your parents was not
HARF40 4 You are a foreign born, naturalized citizen
HARF40 5 You are a foreign born, resident alien/permanent resident
HARF40 6 International student

22. What is the primary language spoken in your home?


23. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions on the survey and to comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Please click on Finish below. Beginning May 3, your commencement tickets will be available at the Senior Desk at 124 Mt. Auburn Street. You must wait 24 hours after submitting your survey before picking up your commencement tickets.

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.