Welcome [FNAME] [LNAME],
If you are not [FNAME] [LNAME], please retrieve your survey link.

Thank you for participating in the Haverford Enrolled Student Survey. The survey is made up of several short sections followed by some demographic questions. The first section asks you to evaluate Haverford. The core of the survey then asks about various aspects of your experiences here: your engagement as a student, your interactions with faculty, how much you think you've learned, and what you've done outside of the classroom, including work and extracurricular activities. Your answers are very important to us — they will inform our efforts to improve in the years to come.

Your voluntary submission of this survey will be considered your consent to participate, and all responses will remain confidential. The reporting of survey results will be done exclusively in aggregate, and no individuals will be identified. Should you decide not to respond to a question or the entire survey, your decision will not affect your relationship with Haverford.

You may answer as few or as many questions as you wish, but please be candid. Your participation is very important and greatly appreciated!

Begin the Survey >>

Once you submit a section by hitting the "next" button, your answers will be saved for that section. After you have submitted a section, you may go back to it by using the back arrow on your browser. You may also return to the survey at a later time by returning to the link you received by email. Your previously submitted answers will be displayed for you to edit if you wish. If you edit answers in a section, you must click the "next" button for that section to save the change.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Gilda Koutsiouroumbas <gkoutsio@haverford.edu> or surveys@mit.edu.