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Please rate the extent to which your abilities in the areas listed below have changed since you first came to Oberlin.

  Much weaker
2 3 No change
5 6 Much stronger
Communicating well orally toral 1 toral 2 toral 3 toral 4 toral 5 toral 6 toral 7
Formulating/creating original ideas and solutions tcreate 1 tcreate 2 tcreate 3 tcreate 4 tcreate 5 tcreate 6 tcreate 7
Using quantitative tools (e.g., statistics, graphs) tquant 1 tquant 2 tquant 3 tquant 4 tquant 5 tquant 6 tquant 7
Developing career- or work-related knowledge and skills tprepar 1 tprepar 2 tprepar 3 tprepar 4 tprepar 5 tprepar 6 tprepar 7
Understanding the process of science and experimentation tsciproc 1 tsciproc 2 tsciproc 3 tsciproc 4 tsciproc 5 tsciproc 6 tsciproc 7
Leading and supervising tasks and groups of people tlead 1 tlead 2 tlead 3 tlead 4 tlead 5 tlead 6 tlead 7

Community Involvement

1. How satisfied have you been with the opportunities to get involved with the greater Oberlin community?
OB01 1 Very Dissatisfied
OB01 2 Generally Dissatisfied
OB01 3 Generally Satisfied
OB01 4 Very Satisfied

2. To what extent have your experiences at Oberlin contributed to your knowledge, skills and personal development in the following areas:

  Very little or none Some Quite a bit Very much
Applying theories or concepts to practical problems of off-campus grassroots organizations or non-profits OB02 1 OB02 2 OB02 3 OB02 4
Understanding how community service and academics can be integrated OB03 1 OB03 2 OB03 3 OB03 4
Developing an awareness of local social, environmental and economic challenges OB04 1 OB04 2 OB04 3 OB04 4
3. During your time at Oberlin, have you participated in the Community Service Work Study Program?
OB05 1 Yes
OB05 2 No
OB05 3 Not sure

Your Comments

Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions on the survey and to comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

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