Brown University Brown University
Senior Survey

(If you are not [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME], please retrieve your unique web link to this survey.)

Thank you for participating in the 2006 Senior Survey.  We understand that this is both a busy and exciting time in your semester as you near Commencement, but your perspective is of particular interest to us.  This is your opportunity to provide the administration with feedback about your Brown experience.

We assure complete confidentiality, so please be candid.  No personal identifiers will be used in compiling or analyzing the data, and reports will be aggregate and statistical in nature.

We will be holding a raffle for those who complete the survey.  One student will win the GRAND PRIZE, a TABLE PACKAGE at Campus Dance that is worth $280!  So, fill out your survey now and be sure to complete all sections of the survey in order to be eligible for the raffle.  Please complete it in one sitting.

Enter the Survey >>

If you encounter any problems while completing the survey, please contact Karen Leonard at