Carleton College 2006 Senior Survey

(If you are not [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME], please retrieve your unique web link to this survey.)

Thank you for participating in the Senior Survey.  Carleton needs your fully candid responses regarding your experiences as a student here.  Your responses will be kept confidential and never associated with your name.

The survey consists of nine (9) sequential sections and should take about 25 minutes to complete.  If possible, please try to complete it one session.  Once you submit a section by hitting the "next" button, your answers will be saved for that section. If you must logout before you have completed the survey, you will be able to login again later, and will be able to retrieve the responses you saved earlier. This is a unique link assigned to you; please do not forward this link or share it with others.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary.  The information collected will be absolutely confidential, and used only in aggregate, internally, and for research purposes only.  No responses you give will be examined individually or be associated with your name, and no references will be made to any individual responses in any written or oral reports.

If you have questions about this survey, or encounter difficulties in taking it, please contact Jacqulyn Lauer-Glebov, Assistant  Director of Institutional Research, at or x7732.

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