University of Rochester The University Of Rochester
Class Of 2006 Senior Survey

(If you are not [FIRSTNAME LASTNAME], please retrieve your unique web link to this survey.)

Thank you for participating in the Class of 2006 Senior Survey. Your responses are important to us and will be completely confidential, so please be candid.  The survey consists of nine linked sections.  It will be important for accurate survey results that all nine sections be completed.  The survey takes about 20 minutes and it should be completed in one sitting if at all possible. 

Seniors completing the survey during the first week will be eligible for cash prizes in the amount of $150, $100 and $50.  A drawing will be held at the conclusion of the survey.

We appreciate your participation and look forward to hearing from you.

Enter the Survey >>

If you encounter any problems while completing the survey, please contact Nancy Speck at