Brown University Brown University
2008 Senior Survey

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Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
S1. My choice of concentration(s) was guided by course availability LOCAL01 1 LOCAL01 2 LOCAL01 3 LOCAL01 4 LOCAL01 5
S2. My choice of concentration(s) was guided by employment prospects LOCAL02 1 LOCAL02 2 LOCAL02 3 LOCAL02 4 LOCAL02 5
S3. I relied more on faculty other than my assigned advisors for my advising LOCAL03 1 LOCAL03 2 LOCAL03 3 LOCAL03 4 LOCAL03 5
S4. I used the freedom of the open curriculum to create a challenging course of study for myself LOCAL04 1 LOCAL04 2 LOCAL04 3 LOCAL04 4 LOCAL04 5
S5. I used the freedom of the open curriculum to create an easier course of study than if I had had requirements LOCAL05 1 LOCAL05 2 LOCAL05 3 LOCAL05 4 LOCAL05 5
S6. I believe the benefits I received from attending Brown were worth the financial costs to my family and me LOCAL06 1 LOCAL06 2 LOCAL06 3 LOCAL06 4 LOCAL06 5

Please respond to items S7-S10 based on your experiences with the concentration you reported for "Major 1" earlier in the survey (Question 21).

Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
S7. Brown faculty take a genuine interest in their undergraduate concentrators LOCAL07 1 LOCAL07 2 LOCAL07 3 LOCAL07 4 LOCAL07 5
S8. There are sufficient opportunities in my concentration to work one-on-one with a professor LOCAL08 1 LOCAL08 2 LOCAL08 3 LOCAL08 4 LOCAL08 5
S9. There are faculty in my concentration with whom I could talk about my plans following graduation LOCAL09 1 LOCAL09 2 LOCAL09 3 LOCAL09 4 LOCAL09 5
S10. I understand the reasoning behind the requirements for my concentration LOCAL10 1 LOCAL10 2 LOCAL10 3 LOCAL10 4 LOCAL10 5

S11. How well do you think Brown prepared you for the job market?
LOCAL11 1 Very Inadequately
LOCAL11 2 Inadequately
LOCAL11 3 Neither Well nor Inadequately (Neutral)
LOCAL11 4 Generally Well
LOCAL11 5 Very Well

S12. Please select the top 3 characteristics that are important to you in pre-concentration advising and the top 3 characteristics that are important to you in concentration advising.

Pre-concentration advising Choice 1 VALUE LABEL LOCAL12
1 "Faculty member (not staff or administrator)" 2 "Approachable" 3 "Available outside of office hours" 4 "Knows courses outside of his or her areas" 5 "Knows campus resources" 6 "Requires me to meet with him or her" 7 "Understands me and my interests" 8 "Meets with me informally (coffee, lunch, etc.)" .
Pre-concentration advising Choice 2 VALUE LABEL LOCAL13
1 "Faculty member (not staff or administrator)" 2 "Approachable" 3 "Available outside of office hours" 4 "Knows courses outside of his or her areas" 5 "Knows campus resources" 6 "Requires me to meet with him or her" 7 "Understands me and my interests" 8 "Meets with me informally (coffee, lunch, etc.)" .
Pre-concentration advising Choice 3 VALUE LABEL LOCAL14
1 "Faculty member (not staff or administrator)" 2 "Approachable" 3 "Available outside of office hours" 4 "Knows courses outside of his or her areas" 5 "Knows campus resources" 6 "Requires me to meet with him or her" 7 "Understands me and my interests" 8 "Meets with me informally (coffee, lunch, etc.)" .
Concentration advising Choice 1 VALUE LABEL LOCAL15
1 "Faculty member (not staff or administrator)" 2 "Approachable" 3 "Available outside of office hours" 4 "Knows courses outside of his or her areas" 5 "Knows campus resources" 6 "Requires me to meet with him or her" 7 "Understands me and my interests" 8 "Meets with me informally (coffee, lunch, etc.)" .
Concentration advising Choice 2 VALUE LABEL LOCAL16
1 "Faculty member (not staff or administrator)" 2 "Approachable" 3 "Available outside of office hours" 4 "Knows courses outside of his or her areas" 5 "Knows campus resources" 6 "Requires me to meet with him or her" 7 "Understands me and my interests" 8 "Meets with me informally (coffee, lunch, etc.)" .
Concentration advising Choice 3 VALUE LABEL LOCAL17
1 "Faculty member (not staff or administrator)" 2 "Approachable" 3 "Available outside of office hours" 4 "Knows courses outside of his or her areas" 5 "Knows campus resources" 6 "Requires me to meet with him or her" 7 "Understands me and my interests" 8 "Meets with me informally (coffee, lunch, etc.)" .

S13. In your junior and senior years, how often did you discuss your academic plans with a professor or other advisor at Brown?
LOCAL18 1 Never
LOCAL18 2 Once
LOCAL18 3 Two or three times
LOCAL18 4 Four or five times
LOCAL18 5 Six or more times

S14. How many professors at Brown have you gotten to know well?
LOCAL19 1 None
LOCAL19 2 One
LOCAL19 3 Two or three
LOCAL19 4 Four or five
LOCAL19 5 Six or more

S15. When did you finish your concentration requirements (first concentration, if more than one)?
LOCAL20 1 Freshman year
LOCAL20 2 Sophomore year
LOCAL20 3 Junior year
LOCAL20 4 Senior year
LOCAL20 5 Have not completed them

S16a. I participated in an intensive culminating academic experience (capstone) in my concentration:
LOCAL21 1 Yes
LOCAL21 2 No

S16b. If yes, please describe the capstone experience:
[textbox] LOCAL41

S17. If you had the opportunity to tell the Task Force on Undergraduate Education one thing, what would it be?
[textbox] LOCAL42

S18. If you could change one thing about your academic experience at Brown, what would it be?
[textbox] LOCAL43

S19. Please use the space below to describe the most important outcomes of your time as an undergraduate. Where possible, be specific about how your college or university contributed to these accomplishments, changes or other developments.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.

Thank you very much for taking the time to share your views!