Swarthmore College Swarthmore College
2008 Senior Survey

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Academic Work and Balance

1. When you arrived at Swarthmore, how well-prepared were you for the demands of academic life here?
LOCAL01 1 Very Unprepared
LOCAL01 2 Somewhat Unprepared
LOCAL01 3 Somewhat Prepared
LOCAL01 4 Very Prepared

2. Did your commitments to non-academic activities ever compromise or adversely impact your academic performance?
LOCAL02 1 Never
LOCAL02 2 Rarely
LOCAL02 3 Sometimes
LOCAL02 4 Frequently
LOCAL02 5 Always

A question earlier in the survey asked about balancing academic and extracurricular activities. We'd like to know a bit more about your views on this. Would you please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
3. I am effective at managing my time. LOCAL07 1 LOCAL07 2 LOCAL07 3 LOCAL07 4 LOCAL07 5
4. When faculty members assign work in a course, it is clear to me which reading requirements are essential and which are supplemental. LOCAL08 1 LOCAL08 2 LOCAL08 3 LOCAL08 4 LOCAL08 5
5. Course reading assignments should be taken very seriously and completed on time in order to get the most out of a class. LOCAL09 1 LOCAL09 2 LOCAL09 3 LOCAL09 4 LOCAL09 5
6. I typically over commit myself. LOCAL10 1 LOCAL10 2 LOCAL10 3 LOCAL10 4 LOCAL10 5
7. For the most part, my academic workload has been manageable. LOCAL11 1 LOCAL11 2 LOCAL11 3 LOCAL11 4 LOCAL11 5
8. I have been able to participate in extracurricular activities to an appropriate extent. LOCAL12 1 LOCAL12 2 LOCAL12 3 LOCAL12 4 LOCAL12 5
9. Students’ complaints about workload are exaggerated. LOCAL13 1 LOCAL13 2 LOCAL13 3 LOCAL13 4 LOCAL13 5
10. I feel burnt out. LOCAL14 1 LOCAL14 2 LOCAL14 3 LOCAL14 4 LOCAL14 5
11. I generally feel excited and challenged by my work. LOCAL15 1 LOCAL15 2 LOCAL15 3 LOCAL15 4 LOCAL15 5
12. When I work hard in a course, I usually earn the grade I deserve. LOCAL16 1 LOCAL16 2 LOCAL16 3 LOCAL16 4 LOCAL16 5
13. I have generally been able to find enough time for recreation and social activities. LOCAL17 1 LOCAL17 2 LOCAL17 3 LOCAL17 4 LOCAL17 5
14. Most Swarthmore students are too narrowly focused on their work. LOCAL18 1 LOCAL18 2 LOCAL18 3 LOCAL18 4 LOCAL18 5

We'd appreciate any comments you may have about academic workload, extracurricular activities, balance, and time management, especially as they may related to your overall experience at Swarthmore.

Choice of Majors

15A. When you first became an undergraduate, what were you planning as a major?
999997 "None: I didn't have a planned major when I first became an undergraduate." 161200 "Ancient History" 500702 "Art" 500703 "Art History" 050103 "Asian Studies" 400201 "Astronomy" 400202 "Sp Major: Astrophysics" 260202 "Sp Major: Biochemistry" 269999 "Sp Major: Biological Anthropology" 260101 "Biology" 400508 "Sp Major: Chemical Physics" 400501 "Chemistry" 160301a "Chinese" 160301b "Sp Major: Chinese Studies" 160104 "Comparative Literature" 110101 "Computer Science" 500301 "Dance" 509999 "Sp Major: Dance (and other)" 450601 "Economics" 139999 "Sp Major: Education (and other)" 140101 "Engineering" 230101 "English Literature" 500699 "Film & Media Students" 160901 "French" 160501 "German" 050125 "Sp Major: German Studies" 161202 "Greek" 540101 "History" 161203 "Latin" 160102a "Linguistics" 160102b "Sp Major: Linguistics/Languages" 300801 "Sp Major: Math/Computer Science" 270101 "Mathematics" 301301 "Medieval Studies" 500901 "Music" 380101 "Philosophy" 400801 "Physics" 451001 "Political Science" 421101 "Sp Major: Psychobiology" 420101 "Psychology" 380201 "Religion" 160402 "Russian" 459999 "Sociology and Anthropology" 160905 "Spanish" 500501 "Theatre Studies" 999998 "Other".

15B. Is your declared major the same as the major you planned when you first became an undergraduate?
MAJCHANG 1 Yes. Please skip to Question 17.
MAJCHANG 2 No. Please identify the reason(s) that influenced your decision to change your plans for a major:
       (Mark all that apply)
       MAJCHG1 1 The introductory course(s) in my planned major turned me off the subject.
       MAJCHG2 1 The professors in my planned major were not approachable.
       MAJCHG3 1 My grades in my planned major were not as good as I would have liked.
       MAJCHG4 1 My planned major required too much work.
       MAJCHG5 1 My planned major was too competitive or stressful.
       MAJCHG6 1 My major (or intended major) interests me more than my originally planned major
       MAJCHG10 1 I was not well-prepared for my originally planned major.
       MAJCHG7 1 I like the students in my major (or intended major) better than my originally planned major
       MAJCHG8 1 I can get a better job in my major (or intended major) than my originally planned major
       MAJCHG9 1 Other reason, please specify MAJCHGOT

16. As you look back, how do you view the change from your anticipated to your final major?
LOCAL19 1 Very negative
LOCAL19 2 Somewhat negative
LOCAL19 3 Mixed
LOCAL19 4 Somewhat positive
LOCAL19 5 Very positive

Environment at Swarthmore

17. Which of the following best describes your perception of the intellectual environment at Swarthmore prior to enrolling?
LOCAL20 1 Much more passionate, intense, or serious than you would like
LOCAL20 2 Slightly more passionate, intense, or serious than you would like
LOCAL20 3 About right the right level of passion, intensity and seriousness for you
LOCAL20 4 Slightly less passionate, intense, or serious than you would like
LOCAL20 5 Much less passionate, intense, or serious than you would like

18. Which of the following best describes your view of the intellectual environment at Swarthmore now?
LOCAL21 1 Much more passionate, intense, or serious than you would like
LOCAL21 2 Slightly more passionate, intense, or serious than you would like
LOCAL21 3 About right the right level of passion, intensity and seriousness for you
LOCAL21 4 Slightly less passionate, intense, or serious than you would like
LOCAL21 5 Much less passionate, intense, or serious than you would like

19. We'd appreciate any comments you may have about the degree to which you found Swarthmore to be supportive, tolerant, and inclusive.

20. Please use the space below to comment on what your school could have done to improve your undergraduate experience or what you wish you had done differently, or both.

21. Please use the space below to describe the most important outcomes of your time as an undergraduate. Where possible, be specific about how your college or university contributed to these accomplishments, changes or other developments.

22. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions above (refer to the question by number) and to comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.

Thank you very much for contributing to this research!