University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame
2010 Senior Survey

  Evaluating Your School What You've Learned Your Undergraduate Experience Your
Your Background Your Comments    

Questions Just for Notre Dame Students

What is your current religious preference?
1 "Baptist" 2 "Buddhist" 3 "Church of Christ" 4 "Eastern Orthodox" 5 "Episcopalian" 6 "Hindu" 7 "Islamic" 8 "Jewish" 9 "LDS (Mormon)" 10 "Lutheran" 11 "Methodist" 12 "Presbyterian" 13 "Quaker" 14 "Roman Catholic" 15 "Seventh Day Adventist" 16 "United Church of Christ/Congregational" 17 "Other Christian" 18 "Other Religion" 19 "None" .

To what extent do you identify with your religion?
ND02 1 Not at all
ND02 2 A little
ND02 3 Moderately
ND02 4 Strongly
ND02 5 Very strongly
Which of the following have you experienced as a student at Notre Dame? (Mark all that apply.)
Were any of the research projects that you worked on interdisciplinary (across multiple disciplines or subject areas)?
ND14 1 Yes
ND14 2 No
ND14 3 Not applicable
If you ever thought of engaging in a research, scholarly, or creative project outside the classroom or during summer, but were not able to do so, what prevented you from acting on your interest? (Mark all that apply.)

If you marked "Other reason" that prevented you from engaging in research or scholarly activities that you were interested in, please elaborate below.

Looking back to your interactions with other Notre Dame students in the past year, how often have you participated in serious conversations of an intellectual nature on topics such as politics, science, religion, or the arts outside the classroom?
ND28 1 Daily
ND28 2 4 - 6 times a week
ND28 3 2 - 3 times a week
ND28 4 About once a week
ND28 5 Two or three times a month
ND28 6 About once a month
ND28 7 Less than once a month
ND28 8 Not at all
Looking back to your interactions with Notre Dame faculty, TAs, graduate students, or other research advisors in the past year, how often have you participated in serious conversations of an intellectual nature outside the classroom (e.g., during office hours, research-related meetings, in informal settings, etc.)?
ND29 1 Daily
ND29 2 4 - 6 times a week
ND29 3 2 - 3 times a week
ND29 4 About once a week
ND29 5 Two or three times a month
ND29 6 About once a month
ND29 7 Less than once a month
ND29 8 Not at all

The following questions deal with the intellectual climate in your residence hall at Notre Dame.   If you currently live off-campus, please refer to your last semester on-campus.

Which of the following best describes the nature of informal intellectual discussions between students in your residence hall?
ND30 1 They are a frequent and exciting part of dorm life.
ND30 2 They happen regularly and generally are welcomed.
ND30 3 They sometimes take place but are not a significant part of dorm life.
ND30 4 They rarely take place.
ND30 5 They are generally not welcomed and can be discouraged by peers.
ND30 6 I have never lived on campus.
How would you describe any changes in the quality of the intellectual life in your residence hall during your years at Notre Dame?
ND31 1 Increased significantly
ND31 2 Increased somewhat
ND31 3 Stayed the same
ND31 4 Decreased somewhat
ND31 5 Decreased significantly
ND31 6 I have never lived on campus.

The following statements describe thoughts and feelings in a variety of situations. For each statement, please indicate how well it describes you.   Please be sure to read each item carefully before responding and answer as honestly as you can.

  Very much like me Quite a bit like me Somewhat like me A little bit like me Not at all like me
I sometimes find it difficult to see things from the other person's point of view. ND32 1 ND32 2 ND32 3 ND32 4 ND32 5
I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I make a decision. ND33 1 ND33 2 ND33 3 ND33 4 ND33 5
I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective. ND34 1 ND34 2 ND34 3 ND34 4 ND34 5
If I'm sure I'm right about something, I don't waste much time listening to other people's arguments. ND35 1 ND35 2 ND35 3 ND35 4 ND35 5
I believe that there are two sides to every question and I try to look at both. ND36 1 ND36 2 ND36 3 ND36 4 ND36 5
When I'm upset at someone, I usually try to "put myself in their shoes" for a while. ND37 1 ND37 2 ND37 3 ND37 4 ND37 5
Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in their place. ND38 1 ND38 2 ND38 3 ND38 4 ND38 5
When you think of the person you would like to become, that is, your ideal self, which TWO of the following characteristics would you MOST like to have? Mark TWO only.
When you think of the person you would hate to become, that is, your dreaded self , which TWO of the following characteristics would you LEAST like to have? Mark TWO only.

Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions on the survey and to comment on any other aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered in this questionnaire.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.

Thank you very much for taking the time to share your views!