  Evaluating Your School What You've Learned Your Undergraduate Experience Your
Your Background Your Comments    

Questions for Pomona College Students

In a previous section of this survey, you were asked about your plans following graduation. The questions in this section were designed by the Career Development Office to provide more detail about the unique experiences and post-graduate paths of Pomona students. Your responses to these questions are important to the College and greatly appreciated!

1. Have you utilized any of the CDO Services?
PO01 1 Yes
PO01 2 No
2. If you ever thought of engaging in a research, scholarly, or creative project outside the classroom or during summer, but were not able to do so, what prevented you from acting on your interest? (Mark all that apply.)
3. Please select the one option that best describes your primary activity immediately after graduation. (NOTE: If you plan to take the summer off or travel for less than 6 months, select what you plan to do after that break)

Students who HAVE ACCEPTED a fellowship
(Answering A, B or C in Question 3):

4. What is the name of your fellowship?

5. What type of fellowship is it?

6. What is the location of your fellowship?

7. What main resource did you use to receive this fellowship (i.e. professor, Fellowships Office)?

Students who HAVE ACCEPTED an offer to graduate/professional school

8. What school will you attend?

9. What program (e.g., neuroscience, criminal justice, women's studies, etc.)?

Students who HAVE ACCEPTED employment or service opportunity
(Answering D or E in Question 3):

10. Please provide the name of your prospective organization:

11. Where is your position located (city, state, country)?

12. What is your position title?

13. What is the annual salary you expect to receive (excluding signing bonuses)?

14. If you will receive a signing bonus, what is the amount?

15. What was the main resource that led to this opportunity?

Students who have not accepted a fellowship, school or employment offer
(Answering F in Question 3):

16. Please describe your plans after graduation:

17. If you are looking for a full time job, how much time have you spent on your job search?
18. If less than 3 months, what has prevented you from searching?

Last Questions, For All Students

19. What did you like most about the CDO and/or what resources were most helpful?

20. Any other comments about CDO services or your plans after graduation?

21. For quotes to future Sagehens, what would you recommend as most helpful for a Pomona student to consider as s/he begins to plan for life after graduation?

22. May the CDO use this quote? (All quotes will be used anonymously).
PO31 1 Yes
PO31 2 No

23. Please use the space below to elaborate on any of the questions in this section or any other section of the survey and to comment on any aspect of your undergraduate experience not covered this questionnaire.

Thank you for answering the preceding questions. Unless you give permission to be identified in a report to interested faculty and staff about students' post-graduation plans (question #24), all responses to the questions on this survey are strictly confidential and will not be shared except in an aggregate, summary form.

24. Faculty and staff are eager to know what students go on to do after leaving Pomona. May we include your post-graduation plans in a report by the CDO to interested faculty and staff? (Salary information will remain confidential regardless of your response to this question).
PO32 1 Yes
PO32 2 No
25. If yes, please indicate how you would like to be identified in the report (CDO reports from previous years are available at http://www.pomona.edu/cdo/facstaff/where.shtml):

Questions 26 and 27 ask for contact information and information to be used by CDO and the Alumni Office to plan outreach efforts. If you prefer not to provide this information to the College, please skip to the end of the page and click "finish" to submit your survey.

26. Please provide an email address where Pomona College may contact you after graduation:

27. Would you like to be part of any of the following alumni groups? (Check all that apply):

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.

Thank you very much for taking the time to share your views!