Smith College 2010 Senior Survey

(If you are not [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME], please retrieve your unique web link to this survey.)

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Senior Survey. The main section of the survey, covering all but the last page, asks about your undergraduate experiences at Smith and your plans for the future. In what kinds of activities have you participated? How satisfied have you been with the quality of your undergraduate education? What are your goals and plans? Your responses in this section will be held in the strictest confidence, so please be candid. The last page of the survey asks for biographical information such as your nickname and preferred class year. The information you provide in this last section will go into your alumna record at Smith.

The entire survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please attempt to complete it in one sitting.

If you encounter any problems while taking the survey, please contact the Office of Institutional Research at or extension 3023.

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Once you submit a page by hitting the "next" button, your answers will be saved for that page. After you have submitted a page, you may get back to it by using the back arrow on your browser. You may also return to the survey at a later time by returning to this web page. Your previously submitted answers will be displayed for you to edit if you wish. If you edit any answers on a page, you must click the "next" button for that page to save the changes.