AAUDE Faculty Core AAUDE Core Faculty Survey
Web Mockup

Welcome AAUDE Researchers!

The set of core questions was developed for non-medical school, tenured and tenure-track (ladder) faculty, but many questions are appropriate for other faculty as well. The questions are designed to provide a comprehensive data set that covers the following major areas:

The core items may be supplemented by universities to create instruments that meet the needs of individual institutions.

We encourage use of the entire core set of items by any AAUDE institution conducting a survey of faculty. The aggregation of data across many institutions will permit a rich analysis of faculty satisfaction and related issues. The usefulness of the shared data for multivariate analysis will be directly proportionate to the degree to which universities use the complete set of core questions.

We request that the "general satisfaction" question be the first item on faculty surveys contributing data to the warehouse. This is important because a respondent’s degree of satisfaction may subtly shift during the course of the survey as specific questions, which will likely not be constant across institutions, raise areas of (dis)satisfaction to a respondent’s consciousness. Especially because each university’s instrument may be unique, asking general satisfaction at the survey’s outset is the only way to get as comparable an indicator of general satisfaction as possible.

The following pages are a web mockup created by the MIT Web Survey Service of the core questions created by the AAUDE faculty surveys working group. The mockup and codebook were last updated in February 2011.

View the survey web mockup >>

Download survey codebook in Excel >>

Download the survey instrument in Word >>

Sample Analyses using Faculty Survey Data (PDF) >>
