MIT Faculty Survey
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost

Welcome MIT Faculty!

Thank you for taking part in this survey to examine the quality of the work life environment for faculty and instructional staff at MIT. This survey is part of a national effort, and a number of MIT's peer institutions are administering surveys with many of the same questions.

The survey is voluntary, and you may answer as few or as many questions as you wish. Your survey responses will be treated as extremely confidential. Individual identifiers (MIT ID, Name, Email) will be removed from the data file prior to analysis. Results of the survey will be shared in summary form only.

The survey will take 30-40 minutes to complete. I know that your time is valuable. I urge you to participate so that we may better understand the issues that affect you and how to address them.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact or Lydia Snover at

L. Rafael Reif

Once you submit a section by hitting the "next" button, your answers will be saved for that section. After you have submitted a section, you may go back to it by using the back arrow on your browser. You may also return to the survey at a later time by returning to the link you received by email. Your previously submitted answers will be displayed for you to edit if you wish. If you edit answers in a section, you must click the "next" button for that section to save the changes.

Begin the survey >>


1. Overall, how satisfied are you being a faculty member at MIT?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied


2. Specify the degree to which you are satisfied with each of the following:

Compensation: Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied   Not applicable
Start-up funds  
Benefits (e.g., medical, retirement)  
Resources: Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied   Not applicable
Availability of nearby parking  
Office space  
Lab or research space  
Classroom space  
Library resources  
Computer resources  
Clerical and administrative staff  
Technical and research staff  
Computing support staff  
Support for securing grants  
Other resources to support research  
Discretionary funds  
Health and medical on-campus resources  
Medical insurance options  
Teaching/advising/research/ administrative service: Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied   Not applicable
Teaching responsibilities  
Access to teaching assistants  
Advising responsibilities  
Quality of graduate students  
Quality of undergraduate students  
Time available for scholarly work  
Committee and administrative responsibilities  

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


1. Overall, how would you rate the reasonableness of your workload?
Much too light
Too light
About right
Too heavy
Much too heavy

2. Please tell us about the classes you taught during the 2007 calendar year, including IAP 2007, Spring 2007 and Fall 2007.

  Classes primarily for undergraduates Classes primarily for graduate/professional students
How many classes (excluding independent studies) did you teach during the 2007 calendar year, including IAP 2007, Spring 2007 and Fall 2007?
How many students, total, did you teach in these classes? students students
How many TAs, total, did you work with in these classes?
How many of these classes were close to your research interests?

3. Advising: How many of each of the following types of advisees do you have now? Also, please provide your best estimate on the number of your advisees who are women and underrepresented minorities. For our purposes, an underrepresented minority is defined as African American, Latino/a (Hispanic), or Native American.

Advisee Type Number of Advisees: Total Number of Advisees: Women Number of Advisees: Underrepresented Minorities
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
Postdoctoral associates or fellows
Informal student advisees

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


4. Please indicate the number of committees (formal and ad hoc) you served on within the last year, excluding thesis committees:

Committee Type Number
Departmental committees
Other Institute committees
External committees or boards related to your discipline (e.g., accreditation; editor of a journal; officer of a professional association)

5. Have you ever served in any of the following administrative capacities? If so, did you receive teaching relief in exchange for taking on this administrative responsibility? (Check all that apply.)

  Served in administrative capacity?   Received
teaching relief?
Never Serving currently or served within the past five academic years Served prior to the past five academic years   Yes No N/A
Chair of department  
Director of a center, program, or institute  
Dean, associate dean, or assistant dean  
Chair of a promotion/tenure committee  
Other administrative capacity
(please specify below)

If you are serving currently or served within the past five academic years in an other administrative capacity, please specify your role:

If you served prior to the past five academic years in an other administrative capacity, please specify your role:

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


6. In the past 12 months, how many of each of the following did you submit?

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
Papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals
Papers for presentation at conferences
Books: authored
Books: edited
Chapters in books
Other scholarly or creative works (please specify)
Grant proposals

7. During an academic year, how many hours is your typical work week?

8. Division of Time: As you think about how you spend your time in an academic year, how many hours do you spend on each of the following work-related activities in a typical week?

  Hours spent on this activity in a typical week?
Teaching (including preparing materials for class, lecturing, etc.)
Meeting or communicating with students outside of class (office hours, advising, supervising research, writing letters of recommendation, etc.)
Scholarship or conducting research (including writing, attending professional meetings, etc.)
Fulfilling administrative responsibilities/ committee work/ University service
External paid consulting
Other work-related activities. Please specify:

9. During a typical week during the academic year, how many hours of sleep do you get, on average, each night?

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


10. How many hours a day do you typically spend reading and answering email?

11. Do you handle your email or does someone else screen email for you?
I handle my email
Someone else screens my email for me

12. Please indicate the extent to which each of the following aspects of work has been a source of stress for you over the past twelve months.

  Not at all Somewhat Extensive   Not applicable
Timing of departmental meetings and functions  
Managing a research group or grant
(e.g., finances, personnel)
Securing funding for research  
Scholarly productivity  
Teaching responsibilities  
Advising responsibilities  
Committee and/or administrative responsibilities  
Review/ promotion process  
Departmental or campus politics  
Bias/discrimination/unfairness in procedures  

13. Have you perceived that another faculty member at MIT did not give you appropriate credit for your work (e.g., as co-author of a grant proposal, co-author of a publication, contributions of service to a committee or departmental task, etc.)?
Not at all
To some extent
To a large extent

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


1. Using as an example a course that is typical of the type of courses you teach, what percentage of class time do you devote to each of the following:

  Classes primarily for undergraduates Classes primarily for graduate/professional students
In-class problems,
exercises, writing, etc.

2. Do students work in groups or teams during class time in your courses?

  Yes No
In classes primarily for undergraduates
In classes primarily for graduate/professional students

3. Do you keep up to date with developments in teaching and learning in your field?
Yes    No

4. What is your primary source of assistance for your use of technology for classroom teaching?
Consultant/staff from central organization (IS&T/Academic Computing, Libraries, DUE, OCW, OEIT, ACCORD)
Departmental staff
Other, please specify:
Not applicable

5. What is your level of satisfaction with this source of support?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very Satisfied
Not applicable

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


1. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements. Some of the questions refer to treatment or perceptions based on race/ethnicity. For our purposes, a minority is defined as African American, Latino/a (Hispanic), or Native American.

  Strongly DISAGREE Somewhat DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat AGREE Strongly AGREE   N/A
My colleagues value my research/scholarship.  
My colleagues value my contributions to teaching.  
My colleagues value my service and administrative contributions.  
I am satisfied with opportunities to collaborate with faculty in my primary department.  
I am satisfied with opportunities to collaborate with faculty in other departments at MIT.  
I feel I am given the opportunity to serve on important committees.  
I feel I am given the opportunity to assume important administrative responsibilities.  
Interdisciplinary research is recognized and rewarded by my department.  
My chair/director/dean creates a collegial and supportive environment.  
My chair/director/dean helps me obtain the resources I need.  
I have a voice in the decision-making that affects the direction of my department.  
I can navigate the unwritten rules concerning how one is to conduct oneself as a faculty member.  
My department is a good fit for me.  
My department is a place where individual faculty may comfortably raise personal and/or family responsibilities when scheduling departmental obligations.  
My department values time spent on non-MIT activities.  
It is important to my department that I am physically in my office or lab.  
I would feel comfortable taking a leave for personal reasons.  
  Strongly DISAGREE Somewhat DISAGREE Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat AGREE Strongly AGREE   N/A
I feel excluded from an informal network in my department.  
I have to work harder than some of my colleagues to be perceived as a legitimate scholar.  
I feel that a diversified faculty (one with a critical mass of ethnic minority representation) is important for MIT's continued academic excellence.  
I feel that the climate and opportunities for minority faculty at MIT are at least as good as those for non-minority faculty.  
I feel that the climate and opportunities for female faculty at MIT are at least as good as those for male faculty.  
I have been discriminated against or denied something at MIT because of my sexual orientation.  
I have colleagues in my department who are my personal friends.  
I have colleagues at MIT who are my personal friends.  
My department's procedures are fair and equitable to all.  
My department's procedures are transparent and open for discussion.  
My department's allocation of committee assignments are fair and equitable to all.  

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


2. In your daily encounters on the MIT campus, has anyone ever assumed that you were:

  Yes No
a student
support staff
a trespasser

3. To what degree do you think your department/school/MIT in general is committed to increasing the ethnic minority representation of faculty?

  Not committed at all Somewhat committed Very committed   Insufficient information to assess
MIT in general  

4. In your professional career at MIT, have you experienced bias or exclusion due to your gender, race or other personal characteristic:

  Not at all To some extent To a large extent
by a superior
by a colleague
by a student

5. We'd like to hear your thoughts about faculty diversity. In particular, what are your thoughts about incentive programs for hiring ethnic minority faculty?

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


1. In making career transitions, some people seek professional advice, counseling or mentoring. Did you receive advice or guidance in making the transition to MIT?
Yes, as a matter of departmental or school policy at MIT
Yes, through my own initiative here at MIT
Yes, through my own initiative outside MIT
No, I didn't receive counseling and/or guidance

2. While at MIT, have you served as a mentor for another faculty member?
(Check all that apply.)
Yes, through a formal program
Yes, informally

3. Have you had a FORMAL mentor within your department?
Yes, one was assigned to me
Yes, one was chosen by me
No (please go to Question 5)

4. How helpful have you found this FORMAL mentoring?
Very unhelpful
Somewhat unhelpful
Neither helpful nor unhelpful
Somewhat helpful
Very helpful
Not applicable

Please provide any suggestions you have about improving FORMAL mentoring at MIT.

5. While at MIT, have you had one or more INFORMAL mentors (someone not officially assigned to you who gives advice on career issues and/ or advocates for you in your discipline; this could include someone outside MIT)?
No (please go to Question 7)

6. How helpful have you found this INFORMAL mentoring?
Very unhelpful
Somewhat unhelpful
Neither helpful nor unhelpful
Somewhat helpful
Very helpful
Not applicable

7. While at MIT, do you feel as though you have received adequate mentoring?
Not applicable

8. Do you think you have been mentored in a comparable manner to your peers?
Mentored less than peers
Mentored equal to peers
Mentored more than peers
Don't know / not applicable

9. If you are or were junior faculty at MIT, did you have a mentor(s) during your time as junior faculty?
Yes, a formal mentor
Yes, an informal mentor
Not applicable (I was not junior faculty at MIT)

In what ways was your mentor helpful?

In what ways was your mentor not helpful?

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: if other3 from demo file=nontenure, SKIP to p15.html.


1. Do you agree that the criteria for tenure are clearly communicated?
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Don't know

2. In your experience, to what extent are the following items valued in the tenure process?

  Valued slightly or not at all Somewhat valued Highly valued   Don't know Not applicable
Research/ scholarly work  
Teaching contributions  
Departmental Service  
Service to MIT  
Professional reputation  
Fit with the department's mission  
Assessment by your peers outside of MIT  
Obtaining grants/funding  

3. How appropriately are these items valued in the tenure process?

  Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued   Don't know Not applicable
Research/ scholarly work  
Teaching contributions  
Departmental Service  
Service to MIT  
Professional reputation  
Fit with the department's mission  
Assessment by your peers outside of MIT  
Obtaining grants/funding  

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


4. At any time since you started working at MIT, have you received relief from teaching or other workload duties for personal reasons, including care giving for a child or parent, your own health concerns, or a family crisis?
Yes, within the past year
Yes, more than a year ago but within the past five years
Yes, more than five years ago
No (please skip Question 5)

5. How supportive was your department concerning your relief from teaching or other workload duties?
Very unsupportive
Somewhat unsupportive
Neither supportive nor unsupportive
Somewhat supportive
Very supportive
Not applicable

6. At any time since you started working at MIT, have you had your tenure clock slowed or stopped for personal reasons, including care giving for a child or parent, your own health concerns, or a family crisis?
Yes, within the past year
Yes, more than a year ago but within the past five years
Yes, more than five years ago
No (please skip Question 7 and select Next to move to the next section)

7. How supportive was your department concerning stopping or slowing your tenure clock?
Very unsupportive
Somewhat unsupportive
Neither supportive nor unsupportive
Somewhat supportive
Very supportive
Not applicable

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.

PROMOTION / TENURE: Perceptions of Promotion and Tenure

1. Please provide your best estimate of what percentage of tenure track faculty receive tenure at MIT.

2. Do you consider the promotion and tenure review process at MIT to have the right balance between transparency and confidentiality?
Don't know
If No, how can transparency of the process be improved without sacrificing confidentiality of reviews?

3. Have you ever reviewed MIT's policies and procedures regarding promotion and tenure?
Yes     No
If No, why not?

4. Are you familiar with MIT's grievance procedure regarding promotion and tenure review?
Yes     No

5. Do you think the current practice of promotion and tenure review works reasonably well?
Yes     No

6. To what extent do you understand the criteria used for the following:

  Not at all To some extent To a great extent
Reappointment of Assistant Professors
Promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor without tenure
Promotion from Associate Professor without tenure to Associate Professor with tenure

7. Do you understand the various steps involved in a promotion/tenure review?

  Yes No
How Committee members are selected for review?
How external reviewers are selected?
How internal reviewers are selected?
What kind of weight is given to teaching/research/service?

8. Did you progress from junior faculty to tenured faculty while at MIT?
Yes, I progressed from junior faculty to tenured faculty while at MIT
No, I was hired as tenured MIT faculty
No, I am currently junior faculty

PROGRAMMING NOTE: if MITjunhere=2 OR 3 (person hasn't moved from junior to tenure at MIT), skip p14.html

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.

PROMOTION / TENURE: Current Practice

1. How frequently did you receive feedback on your performance before you were formally reviewed for promotion/tenure?
Less than once a year
Once a year
More than once a year

2. Who described to you how the process of promotion and tenure review works at MIT?
(Check all that apply.)
Department Head
Your mentor
Other faculty
No one

3. In your opinion, to what extent do the following practices enhance the ability of a junior faculty member to get tenure?

  Not at all To some extent To a great extent   No opinion/ don't know
Research leave  
Family leave  
Reduced teaching load  
Resources for attending
professional meetings
Generous start-up funds  
Having a mentor  
Receiving regular feedback  

4. Which current practices make it difficult for junior faculty to meet MIT’s standard for tenure?

5. What kind of feedback prior to the promotion and tenure process is most useful?

6. Are you aware of any good practices by other universities comparable to MIT which MIT may want to adopt in improving the efficiency, fairness and/or transparency of the promotion and tenure review process?

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


1. In the last five years, while at MIT, have you received a formal or informal outside job offer that you took to your department head or dean?
No (Please go to Question 3)

2. Has that formal or informal outside job offer(s) resulted in adjustments to any of the following:
(Check all that apply.)
Course load
Administrative responsibilities
Leave time
Summer salary
Special timing of the tenure clock
Equipment/ laboratory/ research start-up
Employment for spouse/ partner
Other (please specify)

3. In the next three years, how likely are you to leave MIT?
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat likely
Very likely

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


4. To what extent, if at all, have you considered the following as reasons to leave MIT?

  Not at all To some extent To a great extent   Not Applicable
To increase your salary  
To improve your prospects for tenure  
To enhance your career in other ways  
To find a more supportive work environment  
To increase your time to do research  
To pursue a nonacademic job  
To reduce stress  
To address child-related issues  
To address elder-care related issues  
To improve the employment situation of your spouse/ partner  
To lower your cost of living  
To garner more respect  
Other (please specify)

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


1. Overall, how satisfied are you with your life outside MIT?
Very Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied

2. Please indicate the extent to which each of the following aspects of your life outside MIT has been a source of stress for you over the past twelve months.

  Not at all Somewhat Extensive   Not applicable
Managing household responsibilities  
Care of someone who is ill, disabled, aging, and/ or in need of special services  
Your health  
Cost of living  
Inability to pursue outside interests and avocations  
Lack of time to think and reflect  
Lack of time for non-work activities  

3. Please indicate your satisfaction with the following:

  Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied   Not applicable
The way you divide your time between work and personal/family life  
The way you divide your attention between work and personal/family life  
How well your work life and your personal/family life fit together  
Your ability to integrate the needs of your work with those of your personal/family life  

4. Do you have a spouse or domestic partner?
Yes, I have a spouse
Yes, I have a domestic partner

5. How many children do you have in total?

6. Are you currently caring for or managing care for an aging and/ or ill parent, spouse, or other relative?
Yes    No

7. Are you currently a member of one of the MIT Health Plans managed by the MIT Medical Department?
Yes    No

8. All MIT employees are eligible to receive basic outpatient care in the MIT Medical Department, whether or not they belong to the MIT Health Plan.
I was not aware of this.
I was aware of this.
I was aware of this and have received basic outpatient care, although I do not belong to the MIT Health Plan.

9. How valuable a benefit is the availability of on-campus health care in the MIT Medical Department to you?
Of no value
Not very valuable
Very valuable
Extremely valuable
Don't know

10. Considering your age, how you would you describe your overall physical health?

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: if totchild=0, SKIP p18.html; if spouse=3 (no spouse), skip p19.html.

Your Children / Childcare

1. How many children do you have in the following age ranges?

  Number of children
Age ranges 0 1 2 3 4 5 or more
0-4 years
5-12 years
13-17 years
18-23 years
24 or older

2. Which description best describes your childcare arrangements?
In your home by a spouse/relative
In your home by a paid professional/nanny/babysitter
Outside your home at an MIT child care center
Outside your home at a child care center near your home
Outside your home at a child care center near your work
I do not use childcare resources
Other, please specify

3. How much do you (and your spouse if applicable) spend on average PER MONTH for child care (e.g. daycare, babysitter, nanny)?

4. How difficult was it for you to locate appropriate childcare?
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not difficult at all
Not applicable

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: if spouse=3 (no spouse) from p17.html, skip p19.html.

Your Spouse / Domestic Partner

1. What is your spouse's/ domestic partner's employment status?
Faculty member at MIT
Post-doctoral fellow/ Research associate at MIT
Graduate student at MIT
Employed at MIT in some other capacity
Faculty member elsewhere
Post-doctoral fellow/ Research associate elsewhere
Graduate student elsewhere
Employed elsewhere in some other capacity
Not employed and actively seeking employment
Not employed and not currently seeking employment
Other (please specify)
Not applicable

If your spouse/ domestic partner is employed at MIT, please answer Question 2, otherwise skip to Question 3:

2. How did it happen that both you and your spouse/ domestic partner came to be employed at MIT? Please select the one response that comes closest to describing your situation.
We became partners after we were both employed at MIT
My spouse/ partner and I were recruited /retained by MIT as a couple
I was recruited by MIT and employment for my spouse/ partner followed
My spouse/ partner was recruited by MIT and employment for me followed
Not applicable

3. How satisfied is your spouse/ domestic partner with his/ her employment situation?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Don't know
Not applicable

4. Do you and your spouse/ domestic partner have a commuting relationship, where one or both of you commute to another community (more than an hour away) for work, or where you live in different communities (more than an hour away) from one another?
No, my spouse/ partner lives and works in the same community as me
Yes, my spouse/ partner and I live together, but one or both of us commutes or travels frequently to another community for work
Yes, my spouse/ partner and I live in separate communities at least part of the time
Not applicable

5. Has your spouse/ domestic partner had problems finding an appropriate job in this area?
Not applicable

6. How satisfied are you with MIT's spouse/ domestic partner benefits?
Very dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Not applicable

7. Were you aware that any woman who bears a child during her tenure probationary period will have that period automatically extended by one year?
Yes     No

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


To better understand our faculty, we'd like to ask a few more questions about your background and experiences.

1. What is your gender?

2. What is your race or ethnic group? (Check all that apply.)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

3. What is your sexual orientation?
Other, please specify

4. Is English your first language?
Yes     No

5. Were you born in the U.S.?
Yes     No

6. If you were not born in the U.S., at what stage in your life did you first settle in the U.S.?
Before high school
During high school
During college
During graduate/professional school
At the first professional employment at MIT
At the first professional employment at another institution
Other (please specify)

Select Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.


1. If I had to decide all over again to be a faculty member at MIT, I would again choose to be a faculty member here.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree

2. Use a few words to describe the two most important positive aspects of the current MIT environment for you.

3. Use a few words to describe the two most important negative aspects of the current MIT environment for you.

4. If you would like to see improvement in the atmosphere/climate of your academic unit or more generally at MIT, what remedies or strategies would you suggest?

Select FINISH to save your entries on this page and complete the survey.

Thank you for filling out this survey.

The results of the survey will be available late Spring 2008. The data will be used extensively by the Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty Equity and Institutional Research, Office of the Provost. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact or Lydia Snover at

Resources for MIT Faculty

MIT Faculty Resources


Teaching With Technology