CODEBOOK, 4/27/2018

Doctoral Exit Survey: PRIMARY Core Questions

Overall Satisfaction

Please rate your overall satisfaction with each of the following:

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
a. Your academic experience at this university satacad 1 satacad 2 satacad 3 satacad 4 satacad 5
b. Your student life experience at this university satlife 1 satlife 2 satlife 3 satlife 4 satlife 5
c. Your overall experience at this university satoverall 1 satoverall 2 satoverall 3 satoverall 4 satoverall 5

Training Program/Program Quality

1. When you first enrolled as a doctoral student, did your program provide an orientation to explain the process of completing your doctoral degree?
orient 1 Yes, and I attended
orient 2 Yes, but I did not attend
orient 3 No
orient 4 I don't remember
2. How effective was this orientation in helping you to understand the process of completing your doctoral degree?
orienteff 1 Very ineffective
orienteff 2 Somewhat ineffective
orienteff 3 Neither effective nor ineffective
orienteff 4 Somewhat effective
orienteff 5 Very effective
orienteff 9 N/A
3. Did your doctoral program provide you with a written set of expectations about academic requirements and expected progress?
expect 1 Yes
expect 2 No
4. Other than course grades and results of written or oral examinations, did your doctoral program provide a formal assessment of your academic progress at least annually?
assess 1 Yes
assess 2 No


Please rate the adequacy of support you were provided during your doctoral education and dissertation research in the following areas:

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent   N/A
a. Financial support finance 1 finance 2 finance 3 finance 4 finance 5   finance 9
b. Information technology (IT) resources infotech 1 infotech 2 infotech 3 infotech 4 infotech 5   infotech 9
c. Your personal work space [e.g., desk or office] space 1 space 2 space 3 space 4 space 5   space 9
d. Library and electronic research resources library 1 library 2 library 3 library 4 library 5   library 9
e. Laboratory, clinical, studio or other physical facilities lab 1 lab 2 lab 3 lab 4 lab 5   lab 9

Doctoral Exit Survey: PRIMARY Core Questions

Faculty Mentoring and Advising

1. How helpful was the advice you received from your dissertation/thesis advisor in each of these areas?

  Not at all helpful Not very helpful Somewhat helpful Very helpful   N/A - I did not receive advice on this
a. Selection of a dissertation topic htopicadv 1 htopicadv 2 htopicadv 3 htopicadv 4   htopicadv 9
b. Your dissertation research hresearchadv 1 hresearchadv 2 hresearchadv 3 hresearchadv 4   hresearchadv 9
c. Writing and revising your dissertation hwritingadv 1 hwritingadv 2 hwritingadv 3 hwritingadv 4   hwritingadv 9
d. Academic career options hacadadv 1 hacadadv 2 hacadadv 3 hacadadv 4   hacadadv 9
e. Nonacademic career options hnonacadadv 1 hnonacadadv 2 hnonacadadv 3 hnonacadadv 4   hnonacadadv 9
f. Search for employment or training hemployadv 1 hemployadv 2 hemployadv 3 hemployadv 4   hemployadv 9
2. Was there another faculty member whom you considered to be a mentor (i.e., a faculty member who gave you advice about your education career development or other matters of concern to you as a graduate student)?
mentor 1 Yes
mentor 2 No
3. If "yes", was the faculty member in your program/department?
mentordept 1 Yes
mentordept 2 No
mentordept 9 Not applicable

Doctoral Exit Survey: PRIMARY Core Questions

Professional development

1. Were you a teaching assistant (TA) at any time during your graduate studies?
ta 1 Yes
ta 2 No
2. If yes, how helpful was this experience with respect to your professional development?
tahelp 1 Not at all helpful
tahelp 2 Not very helpful
tahelp 3 Somewhat helpful
tahelp 4 Very helpful
tahelp 9 N/A - never a TA
3. Did you receive training in instructional methods at any time during your graduate studies?
train 1 Yes
train 2 No
4. If yes, how helpful was this training?
trainhelp 1 Not at all helpful
trainhelp 2 Not very helpful
trainhelp 3 Somewhat helpful
trainhelp 4 Very helpful
trainhelp 9 N/A - never received training
5. Were you a research assistant (RA) at any time during your graduate studies?
ra 1 Yes
ra 2 No
6. If yes, how helpful was this experience with respect to your professional development?
rahelp 1 Not at all helpful
rahelp 2 Not very helpful
rahelp 3 Somewhat helpful
rahelp 4 Very helpful
rahelp 9 N/A - never an RA

7. How many research or scholarly presentations (including poster presentations) did you make on your campus during your graduate studies (not including presentations given in class or in regularly scheduled not-for-credit lab meetings)?
presenton - 0 to 99

8. How many research or scholarly presentations (including poster presentations) did you make at meetings away from your campus (regional, national or international)?
presentoff - 0 to 99

9. If you made a presentation away from campus, did you receive institutional or research funds for travel?
travel 1 Yes
travel 2 No
travel 9 Not applicable
10. If you made a presentation away from campus, did you receive funds for travel from any of the following sources: (check all that apply)

11. Based on research conducted while you were a graduate student, how many scholarly works that have been published or accepted for publication (e.g., peer reviewed articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings) have you authored or co‐authored?
scholworks - 0 to 99

12. How many others are currently under review?
review - 0 to 99

Doctoral Exit Survey: SECONDARY Core Questions

Overall Satisfaction

If you were to start your doctoral career again...
  Definitely not Probably not Maybe Probably Definitely
Would you select this same university? sameuniv 1 sameuniv 2 sameuniv 3 sameuniv 4 sameuniv 5
Would you select the same field of study? samefield 1 samefield 2 samefield 3 samefield 4 samefield 5
Would you recommend this university to someone considering your field of study? recommend 1 recommend 2 recommend 3 recommend 4 recommend 5

Training Program/Program Quality

Please rate the following aspects of your doctoral program:

  Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Quality of the graduate curriculum curriculum 1 curriculum 2 curriculum 3 curriculum 4 curriculum 5
Quality of graduate level teaching by faculty teaching 1 teaching 2 teaching 3 teaching 4 teaching 5
Quality of academic advising and guidance advising 1 advising 2 advising 3 advising 4 advising 5
Preparation for candidacy/comprehensive examinations (coursework, seminars, labs, reading courses, etc.) candidacy 1 candidacy 2 candidacy 3 candidacy 4 candidacy 5
The opportunity to collaborate across disciplines interdisc 1 interdisc 2 interdisc 3 interdisc 4 interdisc 5
Assistance in finding employment employment 1 employment 2 employment 3 employment 4 employment 5
Overall program quality progqual 1 progqual 2 progqual 3 progqual 4 progqual 5

Climate/Obstacles to Success

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Ambivalent Agree Strongly agree
Students in my program are treated with respect by faculty respect 1 respect 2 respect 3 respect 4 respect 5
The intellectual climate of my program is positive intclimate 1 intclimate 2 intclimate 3 intclimate 4 intclimate 5
The social climate of my program is positive socclimate 1 socclimate 2 socclimate 3 socclimate 4 socclimate 5
Students in my program are collegial collegial 1 collegial 2 collegial 3 collegial 4 collegial 5

2. Rate the extent to which the following factors were an obstacle to your academic progress:

  Not an obstacle A minor obstacle A major obstacle   Not applicable
Work/financial commitments workcomm 1 workcomm 2 workcomm 3   workcomm 9
Family obligations family 1 family 2 family 3   family 9
Availability of faculty availfac 1 availfac 2 availfac 3   availfac 9
Program structure or requirements progreq 1 progreq 2 progreq 3   progreq 9
Course scheduling coursesched 1 coursesched 2 coursesched 3   coursesched 9
Immigration laws or regulations immigration 1 immigration 2 immigration 3   immigration 9
Other (please identify)
otherobst 1 otherobst 2 otherobst 3   otherobst 9

Postgraduate Plans

1. What is the status of your postgraduate plans (in the next year)? Mark one.
pdocstat 1 Returning to, or continuing in, predoctoral employment
pdocstat 2 Have signed contract or made definite commitment for a "postdoc" or other work
pdocstat 3 Negotiating with one or more specific organizations
pdocstat 4 Seeking position but have no specific prospects
pdocstat 5 Other full-time degree program (e.g., MD, DDS, JD, MBA, etc.)
pdocstat 6 Do not plan to work or study (e.g., family commitments, etc.)
pdocstat 7 Other - Specify: pdocstattxt
2. [if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] Which best describes the position you have/plan for next year?
pgplan2018 1 Employed by an organization (full-time or part-time)
pgplan2018 2 Self-employed
pgplan2018 3 Other
3. [If "Self-employed" answered to pgplan2018] Please tell us more about your self-employment. Are you
selfempdetail 1 An established business owner
selfempdetail 2 A start-up founder
selfempdetail 3 A freelancer, consultant
4. [If not "Self-employed" answered to pgplan2018] How would you characterize the type of employer you will be/plan to be working for next year?
emptype 1 Academic institution or research institution
emptype 2 Industry/for-profit organization
emptype 3 Non-profit, non-government organization
emptype 4 Government, elected or civil service
5.[if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] Will you be conducting research in the same subject area as your doctoral degree as part of your employment?
research_same_area 1 Yes
research_same_area 2 No
6. [If Academic/research institution chosen for emptype OR "Yes" answered to same_field] What type of appointment do you have/plan to have?
appointmenttype 1 Tenure-track faculty appointment
appointmenttype 2 Non-tenure track faculty appointment
appointmenttype 3 Post-doctoral appointment
appointmenttype 4 Administrative
appointmenttype 5 Other
7. [if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] What best describes the industry you will work in?
industry_naics_code, industry_txt Submit text of industry (industry_txt) selected and NAICS code (industry_naics_code) from this list. NB: text can vary from official labels, but codes must be official or 999999 for "Other". Example schema for fields related to most PhD programs can be found here.
8. [if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] How would you characterize your principal occupation?
occupation_soc_code/occupation_txt Submit text of occupation selected (occupation_txt) and SOC code (occupation_soc_code) from this list. NB: text can vary from official labels, but codes must be official or 990000 for "Other". Example schema for occupations related to most PhD programs can be found here.
9. [if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] What is your job title? (Examples: English Professor; Market Analyst; High School Teacher; Postdoctoral Fellow)
10. [if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] Employer name
11. [if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] Will you primarily be working in the U.S.?
in_us 1 Yes
in_us 2 No
12. [if "No" answered to in_us] Country of employment
13. [if 1 or 2 selected for pdocstat] City of employment

Doctoral Exit Survey: Demographic Items

Type of Research Doctoral Degree
(e.g., Ph.D, Ed.D, etc.)

Department / Field

SED Please name the department (or interdisciplinary committee, center, institute, etc.) of the university that supervised your doctoral studies. Department/Committee/Center/Institute/Program:

SED Primary field of study: __________________________________________

SED Field number from list: __________________________________________

6-Digit NCES CIP CODE: __________________________________________

NOTE: 6-digit CIP code is required for submission.


SED Are you -
SEX 1 Male
SEX 2 Female
SEX 3 [other options such as non-binary, gender non-conforming, etc.]

SED What is your date of birth? Collect year only

SED What is your citizenship status? Mark (X) one.SED options 0 (since birth) and 1 (naturalized) combined and coded as '1')
citizen 1
citizen 2 NON-U.S. CITIZEN With a Permanent U.S. Resident Visa ("Green Card")
citizen 3 NON-U.S. CITIZEN With a Temporary U.S. Visa

SED Are you Hispanic or Latino? No=0; SED Options 1-4 combined and coded as 1 = Yes

hispanic 0 No
hispanic 1 Yes

SED What is your racial background? (Please mark one or more.) Submit 1 if selected, nothing if not selected (i.e. do not submit zeroes)
Mark (X) one or more