Johns Hopkins University 2007 Parent Survey
Progress: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Complete

Additional Questions from Johns Hopkins

How useful have you found the following sources of information about Hopkins? Not Useful Somewhat Useful Very Useful Don't Know/ Not Relevant
42. Family weekend LOCAL01 1 LOCAL01 2 LOCAL01 3 LOCAL01 4
43. Parent advising handbook LOCAL02 1 LOCAL02 2 LOCAL02 3 LOCAL02 4
44. Parent website LOCAL03 1 LOCAL03 2 LOCAL03 3 LOCAL03 4
45. Parent newsletter ("Connections") LOCAL04 1 LOCAL04 2 LOCAL04 3 LOCAL04 4
46. Johns Hopkins magazine LOCAL05 1 LOCAL05 2 LOCAL05 3 LOCAL05 4

Please rate, to the best of your knowledge, the quality of academic advising that your child has experienced from the following: Poor Fair Good Excellent Don't know
47. Advising Office LOCAL06 1 LOCAL06 2 LOCAL06 3 LOCAL06 4 LOCAL06 5
48. Faculty advisor LOCAL07 1 LOCAL07 2 LOCAL07 3 LOCAL07 4 LOCAL07 5
For parents of students interested in pursuing a career in the health or law professions (other parents leave blank):
49. Pre-Professional Advising Office

Please answer the following questions (50-54) if your child is a sophomore, junior, or senior:

Have the following campus services gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse since your child began his or her studies at Hopkins? Worse Same Better Don't know
50. Campus security LOCAL09 1 LOCAL09 2 LOCAL09 3 LOCAL09 4
51. Campus housing LOCAL10 1 LOCAL10 2 LOCAL10 3 LOCAL10 4
52. Campus dining services (food quality) LOCAL11 1 LOCAL11 2 LOCAL11 3 LOCAL11 4
53. Communications from Hopkins LOCAL12 1 LOCAL12 2 LOCAL12 3 LOCAL12 4

54. Please feel free to comment further on the campus services mentioned above in questions 50-53, or on other changes, positive or negative, that you have noticed at Hopkins since you child began his or her studies:

Your Comments

Please use the following four spaces to add your comments. College and university administrators read these comments and often use them to identify strengths and weaknesses. Since the survey is confidential, however, they cannot address individual issues. If you have a problem or concern and would like a personal response, you should also contact the appropriate individual(s) on campus directly.

C1. What has most pleased you about your child's college/university?

C2. What has most disappointed you about your child's college/university?

C3. A number of questions in the survey dealt with paying for college. Use the space below to add any comments or thoughts you have about this, including sacrifices you made, what you "wish you knew" before you started out, and so on.

C4. Please use this space to make any other comments you would like about any of the topics raised in this survey or any other matter of concern to you.

Click FINISH to save your entries on this page and finish the survey.