To: From: "Larry G. Benedict" Subject: MIT Parent Survey Dear [parent name on file]: We hear from students all the time. This spring, we are asking parents to share with us their perspective on their child's college experience. MIT has joined with peer institutions to participate in "the Parents Survey" because we would like to know how informed you feel, how satisfied or concerned you are with various aspects of your child's education, and what effect paying for MIT has on your family. Will you please take a few minutes to complete an on-line questionnaire? Your answers will give us a better sense of what we are doing well and where we can improve. To access this survey, please visit the following url: [URL] Participation in this questionnaire is entirely voluntary; you may answer as many or as few questions as you wish. I realize that some of the questions in the survey touch on sensitive areas. I want to assure you that your responses will be kept strictly confidential. All results will be reported and analyzed in the aggregate, and your responses will not be individually identified. In order to increase the usefulness of the survey, we may augment your responses with other information. Again, all data will be treated in a confidential manner. I hope we can count on your participation in this important project. The study becomes more useful with a high response rate from parents. Also, the survey provides an important channel for you to tell us about your concerns; I hope that you take advantage of it. If you have questions or comments about the survey, please contact Sincerely yours, Larry G. Benedict Dean for Student Life