CHECK MANAGE FILE To: From: Lawrence B. Dumas Subject: Northwestern Parent Survey Dear Parent/Guardian of {name}: As described in a letter from President Bienen that you should have received earlier this month, Northwestern University is cooperating with other selective colleges and universities in a survey of parents of our undergraduate students concerning a variety of issues related to your student's education. Your candid responses to the Parent Survey will help us better serve your student as well as future Northwestern parents and students. The survey takes about 20-25 minutes to complete on-line by visiting the following personal web link: [URL] I encourage you to be candid, and I assure you that your responses will be kept confidential. I realize that some of the questions in the survey touch on sensitive issues. We will not make public individual responses nor will your answers affect your individual contact with Northwestern. The survey will be analyzed by our Institutional Research staff and no one else on campus will see your individual responses. In order to increase the usefulness of the survey, we may combine your survey responses with other information, including a concurrent satisfaction survey of Northwestern's undergraduate students. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey or how the data will be used, please contact the coordinator for the project, Debbie Crimmins (847) 491-4285 ( at the Office of Administration and Planning. Yours sincerely, Lawrence B. Dumas Provost