MIT Postdoc Survey

About You

1. What were you doing immediately before your postdoctoral position at MIT?
Came directly from graduate school
Came directly from another postdoc position
Came directly from a non-postdoc position
Was looking for work
Other (please specify)
2. During the time you were applying for your MIT postdoc position, did you also apply for non-postdoc positions?
3. Is this your first postdoc position?
No, this is my second postdoc position
No, this is my third or higher postdoc position
4. Including MIT, at how many different institutions have you worked as a postdoc?
Three or more

5. With which MIT discipline do you most identify?

  Less than 6 months 6 months to 1 year More than 1 year, less than two years More than 2 years, less than 3 years More than 3 years, less than 4 years More than 4 years, less than 5 years More than 5 years Unsure
6. How long have you been in your CURRENT postdoctoral position at MIT?  
7. How long, in total time, have you held a postdoctoral position, including past and present positions?  
8. How much longer do you plan on holding a postdoctoral position at MIT?
9. Are you working full-time as a postdoc?
10. What is the PRIMARY source of funding for your PRESENT postdoctoral position?
Research contract or grant awarded to my supervisor
U.S. Federal fellowship (e.g., NIH, NSF) awarded to me
U.S. Federal Training Grant awarded to the department/lab/center
Non-federal fellowship (e.g., American Cancer Society)
University funds (e.g., fellowship, instructors)
Foreign government/agency
Private company
Personal funds
Other (please specify)
11. Does the term of your postdoctoral appointment depend on you securing funding?
12. Are there other postdocs in your research group?
13. Which of the following best describes the person primarily responsible for supervising your work:
A faculty member
A senior researcher (not faculty)
Another postdoc
Someone else (please specify)

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