PROGRESS | |||||||||||||
About You
1. What were you doing immediately before your postdoctoral position at MIT? |
Came directly from graduate school |
Came directly from another postdoc position |
Came directly from a non-postdoc position |
Was looking for work |
Other (please specify) |
2. During the time you were applying for your MIT postdoc position, did you also apply for non-postdoc positions? |
Yes |
No |
3. Is this your first postdoc position? |
Yes |
No, this is my second postdoc position |
No, this is my third or higher postdoc position |
4. Including MIT, at how many different institutions have you worked as a postdoc? |
One |
Two |
Three or more |
5. With which MIT discipline do you most identify?
Less than 6 months | 6 months to 1 year | More than 1 year, less than two years | More than 2 years, less than 3 years | More than 3 years, less than 4 years | More than 4 years, less than 5 years | More than 5 years | Unsure | |
6. How long have you been in your CURRENT postdoctoral position at MIT? | ||||||||
7. How long, in total time, have you held a postdoctoral position, including past and present positions? | ||||||||
8. How much longer do you plan on holding a postdoctoral position at MIT? |
9. Are you working full-time as a postdoc? |
Yes |
No |
10. What is the PRIMARY source of funding for your PRESENT postdoctoral position? |
Research contract or grant awarded to my supervisor |
U.S. Federal fellowship (e.g., NIH, NSF) awarded to me |
U.S. Federal Training Grant awarded to the department/lab/center |
Non-federal fellowship (e.g., American Cancer Society) |
University funds (e.g., fellowship, instructors) |
Foreign government/agency |
Private company |
Personal funds |
Other (please specify) |
11. Does the term of your postdoctoral appointment depend on you securing funding? |
Yes |
No |
12. Are there other postdocs in your research group? |
Yes |
No |
13. Which of the following best describes the person primarily responsible for supervising your work: |
A faculty member |
A senior researcher (not faculty) |
Another postdoc |
Someone else (please specify) |
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