Commuting to MIT - 2004 Transportation Survey


This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary, and all replies will be confidential. You may skip any question you do not want to answer, and you may stop at any time. The survey is two pages, and your answers will be saved when you select the Next button at the end of each page. Please don’t leave these questions blank. We need this information to effectively evaluate the commuting patterns of our employees, students, and guests.

1. Your local Zip Code

2. Your local City

3. Your local State
New Hampshire
New York
Rhode Island

4. Your Gender
Other / Prefer not to answer

5. Your affiliation with MIT
Other academic staff
Research staff
Administrative staff
Support staff
Service staff
Medical staff
Student: undergraduate
Student: graduate
Other (please specify)

6. Is MIT your primary employer/school?
No, I am a student at another institution
No, MIT is my secondary employer
No, I am a visitor
Other (please specify)

7. What time do you usually arrive on campus?
Before 6:00 AM
6:00-6:30 AM
6:30-7:00 AM
7:00-7:30 AM
7:30-8:00 AM
8:00-8:30 AM
8:30-9:00 AM
9:00-9:30 AM
9:30-10:00 AM
After 10:00 AM

8. Why do you choose that time to arrive on campus?
Work / class schedule
Transportation schedule
Other responsibilities (e.g. personal obligations)
I am able to set my own schedule
Other (please specify)

9. What time do you usually depart from campus?
Before 4:00 PM
4:00-4:30 PM
4:30-5:00 PM
5:00-5:30 PM
5:30-6:00 PM
6:00-6:30 PM
6:30-7:00 PM
7:00-7:30 PM
7:30-8:00 PM
After 8:00 PM

10. Why do you choose that time to depart from campus?
Work / class schedule
Transportation schedule
Other responsibilities (e.g. personal obligations)
I am able to set my own schedule
Other (please specify)

11. How often do you work/study on campus after 6:00 pm?
1-2 days per month
1-2 days per week
3 or more days per week

12. How many hours are you scheduled to work/study on campus each week?
Less than 17 hours
17-25 hours
26-30 hours
31-35 hours
36-40 hours
More than 40 hours

13. Please indicate how you commuted to campus each day last week.
Please make one entry for each day of the week.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Drove alone the entire way
Drove alone, then took public transportation
Walked, then took public transportation
Shared ride/dropped off, then took public transportation
Bicycled and took public transportation
Rode in a private car with another person
Rode in a private car with 2- 7 people
Rode in an 8- or more person vanpool
Dropped off at work (by taxi or other)
Out of office (sick, vacation, jury duty, business trip)
Scheduled day off (e.g. weekend)
Worked at home
Other (please specify)

14. Why have you chosen your primary commute method? Please select the most important reason.
School/day care responsibilities
Time constraints
Second job
No other option
Other (please specify)

15. If you drive, how many times a month, on average, do you use your own car for institute-related business during the day?
1 to 4 times per month
5 or more times per month
Not applicable

Click Next to save your entries on this page and proceed to the next page.