Change Log 2.6.17 - UMI handles energy simulation for large projects better - Energy simulation respects cancellation at more points in the process 2.6.16 - Building templates can now have default WWR values assigned in the template editor, and UMI will use these values when new buildings are created. 2.6.14 - A rare Rhino crash caused by the splash screen has been eliminated 2.6.13 - UMI will show the building settings controls even when the selected buildings do not share a template - The skylight WWR can be adjusted in 1% increments by the arrow keys when selected 2.6.12 - UMI's template library editor provides better error messages when a library fails to load - When an UMI project is open, moving lots of buildings should not cause a substantial Rhino pause anymore 2.6.11 - UMI now requires .NET Framework 4.6.2 (it used to requre 4.5) - Modules can now define custom defaults for custom settings types they use - The mobility network debugging preview now highlights departure points that were not added to the network - UMI now allows skylight definitions, although no first-party modules use them 2.6.10 - The energy simulation's performance on large models has been improved: - More cancellation checkpoints have been added, making cancellation more responsive - More steps are run in parallel - Launching the simulation via the panel causes less initial Rhino input lag - The energy simulation has had some more specific error messages added to the post-simulation stage 2.6.9 - The Grasshopper component for retrieving series data will return building series in the same order that the input buildings were in. 2.6.8 - Building names will refresh in the summary view shown by UmiListObjects when changed. 2.6.6 - The energy simulation will run even if a building's WWR is set to 0. 2.6.5 - The site analysis module now falsecolors buildings based on their template name. 2.6.4 - The site analysis module now presents more site statistics, including template group-level statistics. 2.6.3 - Template library CSV import is now more flexible about the date format it accepts. 2.6.2 - UMI now ships and uses EnergyPlus 8.4. 2.6.1 - Module authors can now define a falsecolor function from an entire building, not just a Rhino object ID. 2.6.0 - UmiCommand now has properties and a method that can be used to detect the current energy simulation status and launch a new one, allowing modules to trigger energy simulations and use their results. 2.5.16 - UmiModule now has an OnEnergySimulationCompleted for more easily capturing energy simulation results. (This functionality was already available in UmiEventSource, but now it's also in this more convenient location.) 2.5.15 - Two new Rhino commands have been added: UmiImportTemplateLibraryCsvs and UmiExportTemplateLibraryCsvs. These import and export the loaded template library as a set of CSV files for easier bulk editing.