MIT Society of Women Engineers presents


Saturday, April 26, 2003
11 am - 5pm
Room 4-270

WHAT: MIT SWE is hosting a campus-wide design competition which will pit teams of seven against each other in an intense battle of quick and creative thinking. This competition is open to MIT students, faculty, alumni, staff and high schoolers in the whole of Massachusetts.

THE CONTEST: The specific details of the competition will be revealed on the date of the contest. However, In general, each team will be given a box of gadgets, gizmos, and whatchamacallits, and be given a task to perform with the provided tools.

We will group participants into teams of up to seven people including MIT students, faculty, alumni and staff, and Massachusetts high schoolers and 8th grade students.

WHY: We're doing it because
* we want people from all over MIT to get a chance to meet each other and learn how each other thinks.
* we want to offer the MIT community an opportunity to reach out to the Cambridge community.

Lots of prizes to be won!!!
*For details contact SWE presidents*

YOUR GAIN: Even if your beaver isn't the fastest, you still get a yummy FREE LUNCH, a T-SHIRT, chances to win other PRIZES, and a chance to meet people from different parts of the MIT and Cambridge community.

PARTICIPATE: Register yourself individually to participate in the contest. We will put your team together for you. Registration deadline is April 17, 2003!
* MIT students, faculty, alumni, and staff can REGISTER ONLINE   
* High schoolers can register by contacting Anne Dreyer at


For April 26, 2003:
10:30-11:00am Registration
11:00-12:00pm Ice breakers and lunch
12:00-12:30pm Distribution of supplies and explanation of contest rules/objectives
12:30-4:00pm Group work on contest
4:00-5:00pm Awards Ceremony


Students, email Anne at to obtain invitations to invite your professors.

Questions? Please contact
Updated April 3, 2003


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