companies : BANQUET 

The MIT Society of Women Engineers would like to invite your company to the 2001 Annual MIT Society of Women Engineers Career Fair Banquet. The date and venue for this event is still to be determined. We would be honored by your presence as we explore the future careers of today's brightest and best women engineers. 

For companies who have already requested information on this banquet, please reply to us via mail or email as soon as possible. For companies that have not requested information, we would very much like for as many companies as possible to attend this event. Since seats are limited, however, we ask that you rsvp as soon as possible to <>. This is a prime opportunity to introduce your company to SWE, as a large proportion of our members will be attending this event. 

If you are able to attend this event, please include the following information:

Company Name: 
Contact Information: 
Number of Representatives Attending: 
Names of Representatives:

SWE would also like to offer you the opportunity to serve as a sponsor to this wonderful event. 

The breakdown of sponsorship is thus: 

1. banquet pamphlets 
2. banquet greeting signs 
3. table placards 
4. ads and publicity on MIT campus 
5. inclusion in the speech 
Bronze - $750 - includes option 1 
Silver - $1500 - includes 1 - 3 
Gold - $2500 - includes 1 - 4 
Platinum - $4,000 - includes all options 
If you are interested in sponsoring, please include this in your rsvp email. For those companies who have already rsvp'ed, we thank you and look forward to seeing you at the banquet. 
Updated March 13, 2001

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maintained by Chaitra  Chandrasekhar and Janette Fong, 2001 webmasters
created by Arundhati Singh & Jocelyn Lin, 1999 communcations co-chairs