MIT Masters Swimming Bylaws

Drafted on March 22, 2007 by Peter Bermel, Bas Overbosch, and Patricia Christie.

Article I: Mission Statement

The purpose of MIT Masters Swimming is to increase opportunities for the entire MIT community to swim a coached workout, in order to: improve physical fitness, improve swimming skills, provide stress relief, and increase the sense of community among swimmers.

Article II: Membership

1.      Membership shall be established by coming to coached workouts and paying required fees.

2.      Membership is open to anyone with a valid DAPER Facility Membership and a basic swimming proficiency to complete a full workout (proficiency judged by coaches and ultimately executive board).

3.      MIT Masters Swimming membership will at all times consist of at least 10 members in good standing, and at least 60% of the members will have an affiliation with MIT (MIT student, faculty, staff, alumni, affiliates, and their families).

4.      If the number of people interested in the program exceeds the space available, a waiting list will be formed, and new members shall be added at the discretion of the executive board, generally on a first-come, first-serve basis.

5.      The executive board will generally offer discounted membership to students in order to encourage their participation, and may choose to reduce or waive fees in the case of hardship.

Article III: Coached Workouts

1.      The executive board shall organize regular coached workouts during the year. There will be three terms per year for which members can pay their fees and swim coached workouts: Fall, Spring and Summer. The Spring term shall generally be construed to include IAP and thus last longer than the Fall term. Rough dates: Fall lasts from September 1 through December 31; Spring lasts from January 1 to May 31; Summer lasts from June 1 through August 31.

2.      The times, number of lanes, and coaches shall all be decided on by the executive board with the needs of the membership as the guiding principle (if necessary, these needs can be determined through surveys and the like).

3.      Each practice, competition, and other event (such as the One-Hour Swim), shall have an instructor (coach) on-site. This instructor shall be paid at a rate that is chosen by the executive board.

4.      Swim Meets. MIT Masters Swimming members who would like to swim meets with the team need to obtain a membership of the New England Masters swimming club.

Article IV: Executive Board

1.      The executive board shall consist of at least three members: the president, treasurer and scheduler. The executive board may have up to four other at-large members, who may run on a platform of serving specific roles, such as social chair.

2.      At least 60% of the board members shall be affiliated with MIT, thus reflecting the required 60% MIT-affiliated membership. All executive board members have to be MIT Masters Swimming members in good standing.

3.      The coach(es) shall have the opportunity to sit in on the board meetings, but not to vote.

4.      Annual membership meeting. The executive board shall be elected in an annual meeting that shall be chosen to take place in the spring term between March 1 and Memorial Day.  If more than 10 members are present, their votes shall be considered binding; otherwise, elections shall be conducted by the previous board via secret paper ballots at workouts.

5.      Removal provisions. In cases where dissatisfaction is voiced with any member of the executive board, the other members of the executive board shall conduct a secret ballot of the membership of MIT Masters Swimming, and if a 2/3 majority of at least 10 people vote to remove that officer, that officer shall step down and a new vote shall be taken for his or her replacement.

6.      Executive Board Meetings. Executive board meetings shall be held at least once every term. The minutes to the board meetings are confidential. All decisions shall be made by a majority vote of all executive members.

7.      Full Membership Survey. At least once every year the executive board shall survey the entire membership about the quality of the program.

8.      Amendments. Amendments to this constitution can be passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the executive board.

9.      Duties of the three primary executive board members

a.      President
The president will be in charge of planning the agenda for MIT Masters Swimming, and will be in charge of the executive board.  He or she shall have the power to call for surveys, meetings, and votes by either the general membership or the executive board.

b.      Treasurer
The treasurer shall be in charge of the finances of MIT Masters Swimming. He or she shall collect fees, and pay the expenses associated with the operation of the club, particularly coaching fees and DAPER lane rentals. He or she shall make sure the MIT Masters Swimming account remains in good standing. Finally, he or she shall work in consultation with the scheduler to recommend fees for each term.

c.      Scheduler
The scheduler shall be in charge of scheduling coached workouts for MIT Masters Swimming and informing the members about the schedule. He or she shall work out which times are best for practices, in consultation with the executive board and the general membership. He or she shall also coordinate the coaching schedules. Finally, he or she shall work in consultation with the treasurer to recommend fees for each term.

Article V: DAPER rules compliance

The executive board shall ensure compliance with the MIT Recreational Sports Aquatic Rules and Regulations during workouts, and the rules set out by DAPER for Formal Recreational Groups. This includes enforcing DAPER rules on membership make-up, facility membership, and access policies. The executive board shall meet with DAPER on a quarterly basis. Furthermore, one of the executive board members shall be designated as the liaison to DAPER, i.e., serve as the designated contact person for scheduling meetings and discussing any issues that may arise between MIT Masters Swimming and DAPER, and convey any issues requiring further action to the rest of the executive board.