Answer the following questions based on the Energy handout and the discussions we had in the class about "Renewable and Sustainable Energy Sources".
Question 1:
We mentioned three problems with using Oil (gasoline) as a source of energy.
Can you name two of those problems?
Question 2:
What is the name of the place in Massachusetts which is a potential
location for having a huge wind farm?
Question 3:
Among wind, water, and solar sources of renewable and sustainable
energy which one is the most accessible?
Question 4:
What is the main material used for making "solar cells"?
Question 5:
What does "voltaic" mean?
If you want to win a nice prize, this is what you need to
1 . Read your handout about "Renewable and Sustainable Energy
2. Answer the above 5 questions.
3. Write down your name and answers on the answer
sheet attached to your handout.
4. Bring your answer sheet to the class next Thursday.
5. Fold your answer sheet THREE times and drop it in the lottery bag for a drawing!