petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
Report Typos and Errors


Allows one to access the individual packed vectors in their global representation.


#include "petscdmcomposite.h"  
PetscErrorCode  DMCompositeGetAccessArray(DM dm,Vec pvec,PetscInt nwanted,const PetscInt *wanted,Vec *vecs)
Collective on DMComposite

Input Parameters

dm - the packer object
pvec - packed vector
nwanted - number of vectors wanted
wanted - sorted array of vectors wanted, or NULL to get all vectors

Output Parameters

vecs -array of requested global vectors (must be allocated)

Notes: Use DMCompositeRestoreAccessArray() to return the vectors when you no longer need them

See Also

DMCompositeGetAccess(), DMCompositeGetEntries(), DMCompositeScatter(), DMCompositeGather()

Index of all DM routines
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Index of all manual pages