petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
gets an ISLocalToGlobalMapping for each DM in the DMComposite, maps to the composite global space
#include "petscdmcomposite.h"
PetscErrorCode DMCompositeGetISLocalToGlobalMappings(DM dm,ISLocalToGlobalMapping **ltogs)
Collective on DM
Input Parameter
dm -the packer object
Output Parameters
ltogs -the individual mappings for each packed vector. Note that this includes
all the ghost points that individual ghosted DMDA's may have.
Each entry of ltogs should be destroyed with ISLocalToGlobalMappingDestroy(), the ltogs array should be freed with PetscFree().
See Also
DMDestroy(), DMCompositeAddDM(), DMCreateGlobalVector(),
DMCompositeGather(), DMCompositeCreate(), DMCompositeGetAccess(), DMCompositeScatter(),
DMCompositeGetLocalVectors(), DMCompositeRestoreLocalVectors(),DMCompositeGetEntries()
Index of all DM routines
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