petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
Creates a set of IS objects with the global indices of dofs for each field
#include "petscdm.h"
#include "petscdmlabel.h"
PetscErrorCode DMCreateFieldIS(DM dm, PetscInt *numFields, char ***fieldNames, IS **fields)
Not collective
Input Parameter
dm -the DM object
Output Parameters
| numFields | - The number of fields (or NULL if not requested)
| fieldNames | - The name for each field (or NULL if not requested)
| fields | - The global indices for each field (or NULL if not requested)
The user is responsible for freeing all requested arrays. In particular, every entry of names should be freed with
PetscFree(), every entry of fields should be destroyed with ISDestroy(), and both arrays should be freed with
See Also
DMDestroy(), DMView(), DMCreateInterpolation(), DMCreateColoring(), DMCreateMatrix()
Index of all DM routines
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