petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
Maps values from the global vector to a global vector in the "natural" grid ordering. Must be followed by DMDAGlobalToNaturalEnd() to complete the exchange.
#include "petscdmda.h"
PetscErrorCode DMDAGlobalToNaturalBegin(DM da,Vec g,InsertMode mode,Vec l)
Neighbor-wise Collective on DMDA
Input Parameters
Output Parameter
l -the natural ordering values
The global and natrual vectors used here need not be the same as those
obtained from DMCreateGlobalVector() and DMDACreateNaturalVector(), BUT they
must have the same parallel data layout; they could, for example, be
obtained with VecDuplicate() from the DMDA originating vectors.
You must call DMDACreateNaturalVector() before using this routine
distributed array, global to local, begin
See Also
DMDAGlobalToNaturalEnd(), DMLocalToGlobalBegin(), DMDACreate2d(),
DMGlobalToLocalBegin(), DMGlobalToLocalEnd(), DMDACreateNaturalVector()
Index of all DM routines
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