petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
Report Typos and Errors


Sets the number of nodes in each direction on each process


#include "petscdmda.h"   
PetscErrorCode  DMDASetOwnershipRanges(DM da, const PetscInt lx[], const PetscInt ly[], const PetscInt lz[])
Logically Collective on DMDA

Input Parameter

da - The DMDA
lx - array containing number of nodes in the X direction on each process, or NULL. If non-null, must be of length da->m
ly - array containing number of nodes in the Y direction on each process, or NULL. If non-null, must be of length da->n
lz - array containing number of nodes in the Z direction on each process, or NULL. If non-null, must be of length da->p.

Note: these numbers are NOT multiplied by the number of dof per node.


distributed array

See Also

DMDACreate(), DMDestroy(), DMDA

Index of all DM routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages