petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
Get PetscSFs that relate the pre-adaptation forest to the post-adaptation forest. Adaptation can be any combination of refinement, coarsening, repartition, and change of overlap, so there may be some cells of the pre-adaptation that are parents of post-adaptation cells, and vice versa. Therefore there are two PetscSFs: one that relates pre-adaptation coarse cells to post-adaptation fine cells, and one that relates pre-adaptation fine cells to post-adaptation coarse cells.
#include "petscdmforest.h"
#include "petscdm.h"
PetscErrorCode DMForestGetAdaptivitySF(DM dm, PetscSF *preCoarseToFine, PetscSF *coarseToPreFine)
Not collective
Input Parameter
dm - the post-adaptation forest
Output Parameter
preCoarseToFine - pre-adaptation coarse cells to post-adaptation fine cells: BCast goes from pre- to post-
coarseToPreFine - post-adaptation coarse cells to pre-adaptation fine cells: BCast goes from post- to pre-
See Also
DMForestGetComputeAdaptivitySF(), DMForestSetComputeAdaptivitySF()
Index of all DM routines
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