petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
Creates a MATLAB engine object
#include "petscmatlab.h"
PetscErrorCode PetscMatlabEngineCreate(MPI_Comm comm,const char machine[],PetscMatlabEngine *mengine)
Not Collective
Input Parameters
| comm | - a separate MATLAB engine is started for each process in the communicator
| machine | - name of machine where MATLAB engine is to be run (usually NULL)
Output Parameter
mengine -the resulting object
Options Database
-matlab_engine_graphics -allow the MATLAB engine to display graphics
See Also
PetscMatlabEngineDestroy(), PetscMatlabEnginePut(), PetscMatlabEngineGet(),
PetscMatlabEngineEvaluate(), PetscMatlabEngineGetOutput(), PetscMatlabEnginePrintOutput(),
PETSC_MATLAB_ENGINE_(), PetscMatlabEnginePutArray(), PetscMatlabEngineGetArray(), PetscMatlabEngine
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