Actual source code: petscfetypes.h
petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
1: #if !defined(_PETSCFETYPES_H)
2: #define _PETSCFETYPES_H
4: /*S
5: PetscSpace - PETSc object that manages a linear space, e.g. the space of d-dimensional polynomials of given degree
7: Level: intermediate
9: Concepts: finite element
11: .seealso: PetscSpaceCreate(), PetscDualSpaceCreate(), PetscSpaceSetType(), PetscSpaceType
12: S*/
13: typedef struct _p_PetscSpace *PetscSpace;
15: /*S
16: PetscDualSpace - PETSc object that manages the dual space to a linear space, e.g. the space of evaluation functionals at the vertices of a triangle
18: Level: intermediate
20: Concepts: finite element
22: .seealso: PetscDualSpaceCreate(), PetscSpaceCreate(), PetscDualSpaceSetType(), PetscDualSpaceType
23: S*/
24: typedef struct _p_PetscDualSpace *PetscDualSpace;
26: /*S
27: PetscFE - PETSc object that manages a finite element space, e.g. the P_1 Lagrange element
29: Level: intermediate
31: Concepts: finite element
33: .seealso: PetscFECreate(), PetscSpaceCreate(), PetscDualSpaceCreate(), PetscFESetType(), PetscFEType
34: S*/
35: typedef struct _p_PetscFE *PetscFE;
37: /*MC
38: PetscFEJacobianType - indicated which pointwise functions should be used to fill the Jacobian matrix
40: Level: intermediate
42: .seealso: PetscFEIntegrateJacobian()
43: M*/
46: #endif