Actual source code: matreg.c
petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
2: /*
3: Mechanism for register PETSc matrix types
4: */
5: #include <petsc/private/matimpl.h> /*I "petscmat.h" I*/
7: PetscBool MatRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_FALSE;
9: /*
10: Contains the list of registered Mat routines
11: */
12: PetscFunctionList MatList = 0;
16: /*@C
17: MatSetType - Builds matrix object for a particular matrix type
19: Collective on Mat
21: Input Parameters:
22: + mat - the matrix object
23: - matype - matrix type
25: Options Database Key:
26: . -mat_type <method> - Sets the type; use -help for a list
27: of available methods (for instance, seqaij)
29: Notes:
30: See "${PETSC_DIR}/include/petscmat.h" for available methods
32: Level: intermediate
34: .keywords: Mat, MatType, set, method
36: .seealso: PCSetType(), VecSetType(), MatCreate(), MatType, Mat
37: @*/
38: PetscErrorCode MatSetType(Mat mat, MatType matype)
39: {
40: PetscErrorCode ierr,(*r)(Mat);
41: PetscBool sametype,found;
42: MatBaseName names = MatBaseNameList;
47: while (names) {
48: PetscStrcmp(matype,names->bname,&found);
49: if (found) {
50: PetscMPIInt size;
51: MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)mat),&size);
52: if (size == 1) matype = names->sname;
53: else matype = names->mname;
54: break;
55: }
56: names = names->next;
57: }
59: PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)mat,matype,&sametype);
60: if (sametype) return(0);
62: PetscFunctionListFind(MatList,matype,&r);
63: if (!r) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_UNKNOWN_TYPE,"Unknown Mat type given: %s",matype);
65: /* free the old data structure if it existed */
66: if (mat->ops->destroy) {
67: (*mat->ops->destroy)(mat);
68: mat->ops->destroy = NULL;
70: /* should these null spaces be removed? */
71: MatNullSpaceDestroy(&mat->nullsp);
72: MatNullSpaceDestroy(&mat->nearnullsp);
73: mat->preallocated = PETSC_FALSE;
74: mat->assembled = PETSC_FALSE;
75: mat->was_assembled = PETSC_FALSE;
77: /*
78: Increment, rather than reset these: the object is logically the same, so its logging and
79: state is inherited. Furthermore, resetting makes it possible for the same state to be
80: obtained with a different structure, confusing the PC.
81: */
82: ++mat->nonzerostate;
83: PetscObjectStateIncrease((PetscObject)mat);
84: }
85: mat->preallocated = PETSC_FALSE;
86: mat->assembled = PETSC_FALSE;
87: mat->was_assembled = PETSC_FALSE;
89: /* increase the state so that any code holding the current state knows the matrix has been changed */
90: mat->nonzerostate++;
91: PetscObjectStateIncrease((PetscObject)mat);
93: /* create the new data structure */
94: (*r)(mat);
95: return(0);
96: }
100: /*@C
101: MatGetType - Gets the matrix type as a string from the matrix object.
103: Not Collective
105: Input Parameter:
106: . mat - the matrix
108: Output Parameter:
109: . name - name of matrix type
111: Level: intermediate
113: .keywords: Mat, MatType, get, method, name
115: .seealso: MatSetType()
116: @*/
117: PetscErrorCode MatGetType(Mat mat,MatType *type)
118: {
122: *type = ((PetscObject)mat)->type_name;
123: return(0);
124: }
129: /*@C
130: MatRegister - - Adds a new matrix type
132: Not Collective
134: Input Parameters:
135: + name - name of a new user-defined matrix type
136: - routine_create - routine to create method context
138: Notes:
139: MatRegister() may be called multiple times to add several user-defined solvers.
141: Sample usage:
142: .vb
143: MatRegister("my_mat",MyMatCreate);
144: .ve
146: Then, your solver can be chosen with the procedural interface via
147: $ MatSetType(Mat,"my_mat")
148: or at runtime via the option
149: $ -mat_type my_mat
151: Level: advanced
153: .keywords: Mat, register
155: .seealso: MatRegisterAll()
158: Level: advanced
159: @*/
160: PetscErrorCode MatRegister(const char sname[],PetscErrorCode (*function)(Mat))
161: {
165: PetscFunctionListAdd(&MatList,sname,function);
166: return(0);
167: }
169: MatBaseName MatBaseNameList = 0;
173: /*@C
174: MatRegisterBaseName - Registers a name that can be used for either a sequential or its corresponding parallel matrix type.
176: Input Parameters:
177: + bname - the basename, for example, MATAIJ
178: . sname - the name of the sequential matrix type, for example, MATSEQAIJ
179: - mname - the name of the parallel matrix type, for example, MATMPIAIJ
182: Level: advanced
183: @*/
184: PetscErrorCode MatRegisterBaseName(const char bname[],const char sname[],const char mname[])
185: {
187: MatBaseName names;
190: PetscNew(&names);
191: PetscStrallocpy(bname,&names->bname);
192: PetscStrallocpy(sname,&names->sname);
193: PetscStrallocpy(mname,&names->mname);
194: if (!MatBaseNameList) {
195: MatBaseNameList = names;
196: } else {
197: MatBaseName next = MatBaseNameList;
198: while (next->next) next = next->next;
199: next->next = names;
200: }
201: return(0);
202: }