Actual source code: drawopenx.c

petsc-3.7.5 2017-01-01
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  2: /*
  3:     Defines the operations for the X PetscDraw implementation.
  4: */

  6: #include <../src/sys/classes/draw/impls/x/ximpl.h>         /*I  "petscsys.h" I*/

 10: /*@C
 11:    PetscDrawOpenX - Opens an X-window for use with the PetscDraw routines.

 13:    Collective on MPI_Comm

 15:    Input Parameters:
 16: +  comm - the communicator that will share X-window
 17: .  display - the X display on which to open,or null for the local machine
 18: .  title - the title to put in the title bar,or null for no title
 19: .  x,y - the screen coordinates of the upper left corner of window
 20:           may use PETSC_DECIDE for these two arguments, then PETSc places the
 21:           window
 22: -  w, h - the screen width and height in pixels,  or PETSC_DRAW_HALF_SIZE, PETSC_DRAW_FULL_SIZE,

 25:    Output Parameters:
 26: .  draw - the drawing context.

 28:    Options Database Keys:
 29: +  -nox - Disables all x-windows output
 30: .  -display <name> - Sets name of machine for the X display
 31: .  -draw_pause <pause> - Sets time (in seconds) that the
 32:        program pauses after PetscDrawPause() has been called
 33:        (0 is default, -1 implies until user input).
 34: .  -draw_cmap <name> - Sets the colormap to use.
 35: .  -draw_cmap_reverse - Reverses the colormap.
 36: .  -draw_cmap_brighten - Brighten (0 < beta < 1) or darken (-1 < beta < 0) the colormap.
 37: .  -draw_x_shared_colormap - Causes PETSc to use a shared
 38:        colormap. By default PETSc creates a separate color
 39:        for its windows, you must put the mouse into the graphics
 40:        window to see  the correct colors. This options forces
 41:        PETSc to use the default colormap which will usually result
 42:        in bad contour plots.
 43: .  -draw_fast - Does not create colormap for countour plots.
 44: .  -draw_double_buffer - Uses double buffering for smooth animation.
 45: -  -geometry - Indicates location and size of window.

 47:    Level: beginner

 49:    Note:
 50:    When finished with the drawing context, it should be destroyed
 51:    with PetscDrawDestroy().

 53:    Note for Fortran Programmers:
 54:    Whenever indicating null character data in a Fortran code,
 55:    PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER must be employed; using NULL is not
 56:    correct for character data!  Thus, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER can be
 57:    used for the display and title input parameters.

 59:    Concepts: X windows^drawing to

 61: .seealso: PetscDrawFlush(), PetscDrawDestroy(), PetscDrawCreate(), PetscDrawOpnOpenGL()
 62: @*/
 63: PetscErrorCode  PetscDrawOpenX(MPI_Comm comm,const char display[],const char title[],int x,int y,int w,int h,PetscDraw *draw)
 64: {

 68:   PetscDrawCreate(comm,display,title,x,y,w,h,draw);
 69:   PetscDrawSetType(*draw,PETSC_DRAW_X);
 70:   return(0);
 71: }