IQ 2001 Call for Papers

The 2001 Conference on Information Quality (IQ-2001) will be held at MIT from November 2 (Friday evening) to November 4 (Sunday noon), 2001. The purpose of the conference is to promote the exchange of knowledge about IQ research and practice. Most current information on the conference is available at our website.
Call for Papers
The conference program will include tracks of practice-oriented papers, rigorously reviewed research papers, and sponsored panel sessions. IQ-2001 strongly encourages practitioners to submit papers that distill experiences, lessons, and perspectives.
Research papers should be initially submitted double-spaced, front 12, Times Roman, and no more than 20 pages in Microsoft Word format (.doc).
Practice-oriented papers can either follow the research paper format or simply include an executive summary of 250 words or less, accompanied by a Power Point presentation.
Each submission must be identified as either a research paper or practice oriented paper.
For further submission, registration, and payment instructions, please refer to

Suggested Topics (but not limited to):
  • IQ in the contect of:
    • The internet and the web
    • Electronic commerce
    • Data mining and data warehouses
    • Continuous process improvement and TQM
  • IQ concept tools, metrics, measures, and methodologies
  • IQ policies and standards
  • IQ improvement case studies
  • Experience reports on IQ practices
  • Effects on data quality
  • Explicit and hidden costs of data quality
  • Cost/benefit analysis of IQ improvement

The key deadlines are FIRM. Late submissions will not be reviewed or accepted for presentations and publications. Late registration and payment will not be accepted or accepted with a late fee, space permitting.

Conference Co-Chairs
Yang W. Lee
M.I.T. and Northeastern University,
+01 617.253.2656, +01 617.373.5052
James D. Funk
S.C. Johnson
+01 262.260.3034

Program Co-Chairs
Elizabeth M. Pierce
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
+01 724.357.5773
Raissa Katz-Haas
Ingenix/United Health Group
450 Columbus Blvd, 8S
Hartford, CT 06115

Key Deadlines (2001)
  • June 29: Submission deadline for papers, and panels
  • August 16: Notification of Acceptance
  • September 17: Soft copy and Registration fee due for at least one author (Fee: US$200)
  • September 30: Registration deadline for US$200 fee
  • November 2: IQ 2001 Conference Starts

Conference Registration and Paper Submissions
The conference registration fee is payable to "Total Data Quality Managment Program". Space permitting, late registration will be allowed at a late registration fee of $300.

Registration checks should be sent to:
  • Prof. Yang Lee
  • TDQM Program
  • P.O. Box 474
  • Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
  • USA